by magkelly » Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:12 am
I love old Barbies. I rescue them from Goodwill all the time and it totally thrills me to find a really old Barbie with chewed fingers and no hair actually, though I'm not fond of green spots. I'm working on a 70's Barbie with the ballerina face as I type actually. I got her with a bad body and no hair. She's got a body waiting on her re-root. I also rescued a Color Magic Ruby Barbie head a while back. That was a major find. She had a few plugs in front missing, but her paint was really nice and I had an old CM wig that matched. I just used that to root the plugs. She's on a Fashion Queen repro body till I can find her a real vintage click knee body to restore her to. At that point I'll probably sell her as she'd be a $500 Barbie. They go for a lot those CM Barbies. I like having her though. She's the oldest Barbie in my bunch...1966, for real. It's hard to find a click knee CM type body though. I could put her on a straight leg one but she'd be worth less.