by E-Beth » Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:37 pm
Doomed, doomed. I'm doomed.
For those of you following along at home, you know I ordered an Impldoll Antonia w/ an extra head for mid-Sept delivery.
So I knew (even though I would not admit it) that I would get a second body for that extra head.
dolls = potato chips. Can't have just one, I guess.
Well, now I've ordered an in stock Resinsoul Dai. So I will be dollie-ified sooner than later.
I do hope the two girls will get along as sisters.
They are about the same size so there will be some clothes-borrowing back and forth.
It will be interesting to compare the two dolls and discover their personalities, but I'm thinking that poor Dai (or whatever her name ends up being) will be my guinea pig for trying out different mods.
Oh, and wait. I'll STILL have an extra head! Doomed, doomed, totally dooooooomed!