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Just... no connection.

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Just... no connection.

Postby Jobee » Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:41 pm

I hate to say it, but I'm going to re-home Comrade, my 55cm Obitsu boy. I'm just not inspired by him at all. I bought fabric for his clothes, bought a wig, went through two heads. I just feel no desire to work on him. I don't want to faceup his second head. I don't want to sew his clothes. I don't want to take pictures of him. He's not even really making any connection with Amiga, who is my girl his size. Amiga just isn't into him.

I feel kind of guilty. Getting him was a big deal for me. 2nd big doll, 1st boy doll. Brand new... I wish I fell in love with Comrade, but he's just not there. Has this ever happened to you?
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Sepulchria » Sun Feb 08, 2015 10:34 pm

I've had that happen a couple times. One was a factory fresh 1/3 size boy who wound up being just way too big for me; I sent him to a lovely new home and got a smaller doll for his character. I'm happy and he's with people who appreciate him.

The other was a girl I just didn't click with. Loved her sculpt, size was fine, her character totally went with my other dolls... but I just didn't like her, not sure why, so I rehomed her, too. I felt kinda bad about it. She'd already been through a couple homes, and had been a gift, but no point keeping a doll ya don't want when someone else could be loving it. So don't be too hard on yourself; your boy will find someone to love him and you'll not have an unwanted doll lying about.
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby SetsunaKou » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:24 pm

Jobee wrote:I hate to say it, but I'm going to re-home Comrade, my 55cm Obitsu boy. I'm just not inspired by him at all. I bought fabric for his clothes, bought a wig, went through two heads. I just feel no desire to work on him. I don't want to faceup his second head. I don't want to sew his clothes. I don't want to take pictures of him. He's not even really making any connection with Amiga, who is my girl his size. Amiga just isn't into him.

I feel kind of guilty. Getting him was a big deal for me. 2nd big doll, 1st boy doll. Brand new... I wish I fell in love with Comrade, but he's just not there. Has this ever happened to you?

Awww, I know what you mean! :hugs: Sometimes, you plan and get so excited about a doll, but when it arrives, it's not quite up to what you expected/wanted and feel a bit let down.

Maybe it's because he's only 55cm and shorter, younger, than Amiga-chan? She maybe wanted a boyfriend, but got a little brother instead?

Perhaps you might like to look into the 60-70cm boy dolls. I know that was one of my major hurdles for my girl dolls. I bought the matching 60cm boys, but they were so scrawny and as short as the girls that I just didn't 'love' them until I rebodied them with 65cm - 70cm bodies.
Now, they're perfect and I'm happy with them 100%.

Could it be that for you (and Amiga-chan), too?
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Czanne » Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:54 am

Oh. Huh. I'm sorry for the consternation you're feeling, but things like OKCupid and used car lots wouldn't exist if sometimes connections didn't work. It's okay to make that decision.

I'm looking for a male in that height range.... I might be interested in an adoption. (Two of my core characters are adult short. I'd like a pic and what your price is.)
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Kirahfaye » Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:58 am

I've had that happen on more than one occasion. Actually, with my very first doll, even. It happens - it's kinda like finally going out with that crush you had for so long only to realize in the middle of the second course that you simply aren't clicking....
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Nella » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:41 am

It seems like a common thing that happens eventually to almost everyone. It sucks though, I know how much of a big thing he was supposed to be for you.

I felt disconnected from a few of my dolls (I was even prepping to put two of them for sale or trade) last year. I wiped them and gave all of them new looks (and characters for the two that I would've sold). Then it clicked.

But sometimes it just doesn't and you have to let them go.
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Samseramsamsam » Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:21 am

Aww so sorry to hear you did not bond with your boy.

I take that you already tried different eyes/clothes/ wigs etc.? That helped me a great deal with other dolls :) But if you just don't "click" at all, better rehoming him and using teh funds for other lovelies ;)
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Jobee » Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:23 am

I'm so glad you guys understand. Yeah, Amiga was hoping for a Romeo I think. I even bought him a second head, but just .. nothing.

I actually got a fantastic idea while my hubby was complaining about my dolls. After giving Comrade a nice new home, transforming Amiga's pet cat into an 11cm Obitsu girl!

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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:35 am

Yep, I've had that happen with several dolls before.
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Re: Just... no connection.

Postby Janeway » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:27 am

I have had this happien as well and l think it happien to all of us. One day you well find the right boy for your girl.
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