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Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:38 am
by Samseramsamsam
Okay, so I distinctly remember that YEARS ago I was reading a tutorial about making a cloth body for those floating heads. However, unfortunatly I have to starting point to find that tutorial again. Does that ring any kind of bell with any of you?

Google has not been helpful so far. My google-fu is weak today :(

Re: Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:25 am
by ghostdollie
Hi! It was my tutorial, I think! I'll see if I can scare it up!

Re: Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:33 pm
by zirconmermaid
I have done this too, using a pattern from a book and an Obitsu Chest plate. My floating heads tend to be Obitsu.

Re: Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:12 pm
by Samseramsamsam
*squeeeee* Thank you, both. I would be greateful for any help/hints/patterns etc, because my floating heads need more love ;) (and my knitted clothes more bodies - but my bank account does not need more Obitsu bodies ;) )

Re: Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:20 pm
by ghostdollie
This is a tutorial I put together maybe 10 years ago. If you have any questions, please ask!
This is the one that uses a bendable doll skeleton. I'd now recommend using the spare obitsu/parabox hands and feet they sell because they pop right onto the armature with no epoxy needed!

Re: Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:14 am
by Samseramsamsam
Ghostdollie, thank you so much for linking the tutorial, and of course for compiling it in the first place :)

However, a brief calculation showed me that, if I am not completely off, the loc-line parts alone would set me close to buying an Obitsu body o_O (I cannot find any store selling premade armature bodies, therefore looking into the individual parts of 1/4 inch) With the fabric, batting, hands, feet, etc., new body it is :shock: :shock:

Maybe that is just so expensive here in Germany? (might also be due to current foreign exchange rates, the Yen is quite low, so the Obitsu bodies from Parabox are not as expensive as e.g. 3 years ago)

I might look into sth. called "Sisaldraht" (sisal wire), that comes cheaper here. Plus maybe a knitted body, or a very simple cloth cover... will see. For now, I'll just have to be content to switch heads out on the bodies I have for them ;)

Still, I would love to see pictures of all the dollies you guys come up with :)

Re: Cloth body for floating heads

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:15 pm
by ghostdollie
Oh, that's too bad the armatures are so expensive where you live. In the US they sell for 10 dollars on ebay. And I just cut hands and feet off thrift store dolls (poor things!). But using wire would absolutely work if you reinforce the neck and spine so the weight of the head doesn't cause it to flop. Wrapping the skeleton with rag strips can work instead of batting, also. You may still be able to get some ideas for head attachment from the tutorial, even if you want to just go for a basic sewn or knit, stuffed body method. Good luck! I think a knit body would be awesome!