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Fashion Emergency!
Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:50 am
by Jobee
I'm sure you've all looked at
Mika's First Fashion Show by now. I've gotten some feedback already. Turns out Mika's casualwear is rather flat and boring.
What should I do to give her some pop and pizzazz? I have two t-shirts I can decorate, a solid white and a solid purple. She also has a very plain pair of light blue pants. How can I make them look more like jeans?
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:00 pm
by Shyla
T-shirt paint. Tiny drops to simulate stitches, which can be lengthened with a pin. Nail art decals and polish stencils can be used to paint designs. The tiny gems for nail art for t-shirt bling. Or you can have someone cut designs out of masking tape or magic tape to your specifications. I've seen some lovely nail polish stencils that would be purrfect for her. Little flowers and butterflies, lacy designs etc.
Examples- ... 2/31199833 ... 0587#aboutEdit: I think her outfits are adorable as-is though.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:39 pm
by Jobee
Thank you for your help and for saying you like her as is. ^_^ She's still very new, the world is her oyster.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:10 pm
by ShortNCuddlyAm
Posca markers (they're basically a paint marker), if you have any, are also good on fabric - just make sure you have something absolutely bleed proof between the front and back of the T shirt - a piece of kitchen towel folded over a couple of times isn't thick enough
But I also thought she looked cute in her outfits as they are!
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:40 am
by Jobee
Thanks! It's actually been fun. My hubby's on a little craft bender too, so he hasn't minded going to the craft store a bunch recently. ^_^ And thank you Am.
Maybe I shouldn't have taken the offline commentary I got so seriously, at least not right away. But I'm definitely gonna see what I can do with Markers and try to find my nail gems.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:29 pm
by embyquinn
There's nothing wrong with a little bling and decoration. Just remember that "plain" does not always mean "boring". Don't overdecorate in an effort to jazz up your creations. There's nothing at all wrong with the versatility of a solid color shirt or pants.
That having been can also add some pizzazz by making a few basic pieces in teensy prints. A great source for tiny-doll sized prints and stripes is--I kid you not--kids' underwear. Play your cards right and you can even get a great source for a T-shirt with Dora or Spongebob on the front! Go to your local WalMart or Target and take a look around the kids' undies section. It's an undiscovered country, I'm tellin' ya.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Mon Mar 30, 2015 1:00 am
by Czanne
... I'm really sorry anyone said that to you.
I think that's a lovely wardrobe of excellent separates, and wouldn't change it, but...
I'd go for accessories like infinity scarves and headbands (of fabric she's not already wearing) rather than bling. Or perhaps some mini silk/faux silk/felt flowers on pin backs so they can change up.
I might stitch a little stretch lace around the hem of her pj top, but she's a kitty. I have yet to share a residence with any cat who *liked* her bell and collar. (Those were for my sake since my cats are forever engineering perfect murders of their humans.) Clothes are, like fur, sleek and elegant (in the math and Audrey Hepburn senses). Ya know, Vera Wang instead of Juicy (not literally) Couture. In my experience of disgracing my kitties with clothes, even the kittens had good taste (though maybe not dignity or dexterity...). And she looks young -- so simple fits her better.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:28 am
by Jobee
Thanks you guys, you're so kind ^_^ I love being a part of this forum. And to update, I took some markers and painted up a couple of her t-shirts! Nothing complicated, just a flower and a D20. The D20 t-shirt is her favorite now! I've got a nerdy little kitty. She's got a D&D handbook, her own dice and everything. When I have her D&D set finished, I'll take pictures.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Mon Mar 30, 2015 7:30 pm
by Trethowan
Jobee wrote:
Maybe I shouldn't have taken the offline commentary I got so seriously, at least not right away. .
Everyone has an opinion and they're never going to match up. Meh, can't take stuff like that seriously or you'll end up miserable. Do your own thing and be happy with it. Now, maybe if every single comment was along the same vein, then it might be something to consider, but even then there are boundaries.
I didn't see the fashion show, but I'm sure it's great.
Re: Fashion Emergency!
Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:10 am
by Alopecia No Hime
With tinies, details can get lost in how small the are. Her clothing is fine as is, you don't need to change them. When it comes to making things, make what you want, not what others want. If I did that I'd have NEVER learned to make things like ruffles, or bubble skirts because experimenting is key. No one's perfect off the bat, gosh knows we've all seen my first attempts...