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Smoke and Resin?

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Smoke and Resin?

Postby endlessnameless » Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:20 pm

So since I very close to getting my first bjd (5 dollars away!) I was wondering about what cigarette smoke will do to resin. I don't smoke but both my mom and my nana do. My mom doesn't smoke in the house (My dad hates the smell) but my nana smokes in her house (She lives like ten minutes away so we visit her a lot). I do want to take the doll to her house but I don't want my doll in smell like smoke!
Can cigarette smoke damage resin at all? Make it yellow faster? Also is there anything I can do to keep it from smelling bad?
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Re: Smoke and Resin?

Postby K2! » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:36 pm

dreamingalien wrote:Can cigarette smoke damage resin at all? Make it yellow faster? Also is there anything I can do to keep it from smelling bad?

The short answers are: Yes, Yes, and Do everything you can to minimize exposure.

While taking your doll to a smoker's house for the afternoon probably won't produce any detrimental long term effects, the less exposure to the extra chemicals and toxins the better. If you are going to be at the smoker's place all day, your doll probably doesn't have to be out the entire time. Include a clean plastic bag as part of your transportation kit. Once you're done showing the doll, put it back into whatever blanket or padding you might use and put that into the plastic bag and seal it.
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Re: Smoke and Resin?

Postby endlessnameless » Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:54 pm

Thank you for the information!
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Re: Smoke and Resin?

Postby OkamiKodomo » Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:17 pm

From experience, I had my white skin ResinSoul Ai completely ruined by smoke exposure. She turned an awful greenish yellow that nothing short of major sanding removed. The problem with smoke isn't just the smell, it's that the oils in it can penetrate the porous resin and stain it much deeper than a surface stain would. I ended up giving my Ai to my girlfriend and reshelling her in normal skin, because I was so upset by the damage that I couldn't even stand looking at her anymore.
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