Dealing with doll hate [WARNING: Lengthy Rant]
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:59 pm
So by now everyone on this board and a lot of other people know how bonded I am with Cherry. I know very well she's just a doll. She has no feelings to hurt. I like to pretend that she interacts with me, but I know I'm just pretending. Knowing all that, it's still hard to deal with someone who has negative feelings about her.
I live in a house with three other people. My lifemate of three decades and one of our roomies are indifferent to dolls in general, but they both respect my love of dolls and of RiRi in particular. They even joke with me about it from time to time, but always in a loving and respectful way.
Our other roommate, however...*deep sigh*
It's really hard, because this person is supposed to be my best friend. If she were just indifferent, it would be easier to deal with. If she outright hated dolls, period, it would be hard, but still easier to understand.
She's indifferent to dolls in general...and she outright loathes Cherry. I always have RiRi with me when I'm at home, hell, I sleep with her...and if I say word one about her, in my own house, this person rolls her eyes and makes a face and makes some dismissive or cutting remark.
She's made it crystal clear that it's Cherry she hates, not just because she's a doll. I think I understand why--I once had a tabletop character based on RiRi and this person and I ended up having drama over something that happened in game (which, to be fair, was my fault)...but that was years ago and I've long since admitted my guilt and apologized. Sadly, this is a person who never lets things go. Ever.
Nor will she talk it out with me. She isn't interested in resolution, or even in agreeing to disagree. She hates my doll and she'll take any opportunity to let me know. All I can do is not talk about my doll in front of her. If I have RiRi out, and I usually do, she won't say anything unless I call attention to my doll in some way. But if I say anything about the doll...eye-roll, head toss, and a grunt of derision if I'm lucky, and a snarky remark if I'm not.
I'm not looking for a solution. There isn't one. She's not going to stop showing her displeasure and I'm not going to play with my doll in a fscking closet. Especially not in my own fscking house. It's something I have to deal with; I just needed to vent.
Thanks, guys. Love you all, me and RiRi both.
I live in a house with three other people. My lifemate of three decades and one of our roomies are indifferent to dolls in general, but they both respect my love of dolls and of RiRi in particular. They even joke with me about it from time to time, but always in a loving and respectful way.
Our other roommate, however...*deep sigh*
It's really hard, because this person is supposed to be my best friend. If she were just indifferent, it would be easier to deal with. If she outright hated dolls, period, it would be hard, but still easier to understand.
She's indifferent to dolls in general...and she outright loathes Cherry. I always have RiRi with me when I'm at home, hell, I sleep with her...and if I say word one about her, in my own house, this person rolls her eyes and makes a face and makes some dismissive or cutting remark.
She's made it crystal clear that it's Cherry she hates, not just because she's a doll. I think I understand why--I once had a tabletop character based on RiRi and this person and I ended up having drama over something that happened in game (which, to be fair, was my fault)...but that was years ago and I've long since admitted my guilt and apologized. Sadly, this is a person who never lets things go. Ever.
Nor will she talk it out with me. She isn't interested in resolution, or even in agreeing to disagree. She hates my doll and she'll take any opportunity to let me know. All I can do is not talk about my doll in front of her. If I have RiRi out, and I usually do, she won't say anything unless I call attention to my doll in some way. But if I say anything about the doll...eye-roll, head toss, and a grunt of derision if I'm lucky, and a snarky remark if I'm not.
I'm not looking for a solution. There isn't one. She's not going to stop showing her displeasure and I'm not going to play with my doll in a fscking closet. Especially not in my own fscking house. It's something I have to deal with; I just needed to vent.
Thanks, guys. Love you all, me and RiRi both.