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OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

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OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby embyquinn » Sat May 02, 2020 7:44 pm

I have been sitting on my hands for days over the whole "a BJD isn't a BJD unless it's made of resin and strung with elastic" debate I ignited on Tumblr by daring to disagree with that sentiment. As of now, at least half the posts are debating either the veracity of the elastic strung BJD exclusion or my right to disagree.

Fun fact: I traced this assertion that a BJD has to be strung with elastic back to a DoA post from 2018. It wasn't even an official post, it was just someone giving their own view. Somehow it has become gospel.

At this point it wouldn't even matter to explain to anyone that the reason polyurethane BJDs are strung is because hinged ball joints cast in that material won't stay in place. That's why polyurethane dolls have to have magnets and elastic. Pegs would just slide right out. Otherwise Super Dollfies would have been hinged just like the original Dollfies which inspired them, and the elitists would have had to find something else to justify their exclusivity.

One of my very last posts was a picture literally illustrating how little difference there is between an ABS BJD and a strung resin BJD. I posted this to my own Tumblr intending it to be my final word on the subject.


I think that's pretty much all I can say about it. I have difficulty leaving willful ignorance alone but I guess I'm going to have to learn.
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby K2! » Tue May 05, 2020 8:56 am

I'm pretty sure Tumbler was broken before you got there.
Just a little more ammo for you. Obitsus of 40cm to 65cm with internal skeletons have two real ball in socket joints in their spine. While the entire spine of a Smart Doll is a series of ball in socket joints, about 12 in the spine and two more in the shoulders. All of the ball in socket joints used in these dolls do not use any other additional hinging mechanism, no elastic, no bolts or pegs as part of a hinge. Nothing, just a simple ball in a socket as the term says.
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby embyquinn » Sun May 10, 2020 1:30 pm

We are now two and a half weeks into the "hinged ball joints don't count" debate, and it's still ongoing. I haven't breathed a word about the subject even on my personal Tumblr for almost two weeks and it's still going on true-bjd-confessions. The mod of the forum openly indicated that everybody must be sick of the subject and it's still ongoing. Several confessions have flat out said "Whatever, can we move on please kthx" and just this afternoon some long-winded drama monkey posted a huge diatribe over why it was wrong to tag a hinge-jointed doll as a BJD. Never mind that the hinge joints in question are 100 percent as much ball joints as those strung with elastic, which are less authentic than the spine ball joints of a Smart Doll. Screw logic, right?

I wouldn't be half as disgusted if I weren't half convinced that this latest diatribe is specifically directed at my refusal to cave in to the status quo. Dammit.

I don't even care address the subject on my own blog for fear of keeping it going, though God knows it doesn't seem to need to any help from me at this point.

Blame it on quarantine cabin fever, I guess.
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby DollyKim » Mon May 11, 2020 5:56 am


There are no doll cops but there are cop dolls
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby embyquinn » Mon May 11, 2020 11:58 am

No doll cops? Tell that to the people getting bent out of shape over three letters of the alphabet.

Seriously, the consensus among the BJD one percenters is "It's not a real BJD unless its made of resin and strung. The joints don't make it a BJD."

...wait. Ball joints don't make a ball-jointed doll a BJD? Elastic and a special kind of plastic are the only determining factors?

.*other side of head explodes*

I don't know what planet these people hail from but remind me never to go there This is why i gave up trying to reason with them. It got so I couldn't even hear myself over the oinking, so I gave up trying to teach these little piggies to sing..
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby Kattriella » Mon May 11, 2020 2:38 pm

I've heard of this planet these people hail from, but I can't quite remember what it was called . . . I think it had something to do with celestial messengers? Otherworldly beings? Not sure, don't quite recall . . . Hmmmm . . . You'd think I could remember, I've visited there once or twice, but never stayed for very long. Some of the inhabitants are a little fussy and stuck up, so I haven't been to visit for several years. I remember it was quite a pretty place in the fall, though . . .
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby embyquinn » Sun May 17, 2020 3:53 am

Wow, I must have really struck a nerve. I haven't participated in the debate for weeks (yes, someone's still trying to keep it going) and somebody went to all the trouble of tracking me down here and now they're mocking my posts here and my age over on the true-bjd-confessions Tumblr.

I know they're trying to get me to lash back at them, but it's so absurd at this point I can only sit back and laugh at their antics. I suppose i should be flattered that they'd go to all that trouble to try and antagonize me. Pity all that work was for nothing...
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby DollyKim » Sun May 17, 2020 5:27 am

That definitely says everything about them and nothing about you. If it's this important to be right about a petty thing their real life must be terribly out of their control.

I mean, I thought my smothering you're doing it wrong grandmother died in 1993.
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby embyquinn » Sun May 17, 2020 9:40 am

Thank you, Kim. Thank you, everyone who has shown support for me. I have been on the Internet for over twenty years and this is the first dedicated case of cyberbullying I've ever encountered. If I were a kid it would probably crush me. At first I'll admit it did upset me that people could be so hateful. Having a differing opinion is one thing; going out of one's way to attempt to humiliate someone is way out of line. I said my piece and stepped out some time ago and this same Anon (or it could be more than one, since they hide behind the confessions blog I honestly can't tell) keeps bringing it up again and again, getting more abusive and more insulting. At this point they are making themselves look way, way worse than they could ever paint me to be.

I don't know who's doing this, and frankly I don't really care because I'm obviously a lot more important to them than they are to me. I'm just sorry this forum got dragged through the mud because someone who couldn't pick me out of a crowd of two has launched some kind of vendetta against me over dolls.
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Re: OMG I think I broke Tumblr.

Postby Kirahfaye » Sun May 17, 2020 12:58 pm

I was under the impression this forum was completely private. Are there public subforums?
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