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Time for another round of "name that head sculpt"!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:25 pm
by coloredimage
This can be a general sculpt help thread!

My mother always buys things she thinks are cool or in need of a home and then has no idea what they are.

Case in point? She just got this little guy today. He was someone's practice head that they didn't want anymore so she picked him up for a really cheap price. He had a nameplate in his head at one point but it's fallen out (happened with one of my older DZ boys too, not too surprised). She has no idea what he is, apparently either who she got him from had no idea or just hadn't told her, but anyway. I took some quicky pictures with my phone after I gave him a once over with a bit of Magic Eraser (he needs a good cleaning but it was the best I could do right now while in the middle of "Operation: Oh God The Party's Tonight?"), and I figured if anyone were to know what he is, it'd be the people here!


Re: Time for another round of "name that head sculpt"!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:23 pm
by Shinku_Rhapsody
It's from Doll Family (A? or H?) based on the head cap but I'm not sure what sculpt. Hope that helps. n_n

Re: Time for another round of "name that head sculpt"!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:48 am
by IzabethS
Shinku_Rhapsody wrote:It's from Doll Family (A? or H?) based on the head cap but I'm not sure what sculpt. Hope that helps. n_n

I went to check out both A and H and he looks the most similar to Doll Family - H DuanYu. Don't quote me on it though >.>

Re: Time for another round of "name that head sculpt"!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:32 am
by coloredimage
Hmmm, thanks, I'll look at Doll Family when I get home tonight!