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I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:08 am
by mochi.kochi
After having Eden for awhile, I started searching for 1/3 ones that aren't to heavy on the pocket. And I've stumbled upon Bobobie. I did search more after that but I ended up liking the price and one doll in particular.

At first I didn't like her because of the elf ears but after a few searching and going back to this site I grew to love her ears especially when I found the perfect wig for an Elf :D

I just haven't bought her yet because I was a bit hesitant for an unknown reason but earlier this after noon I found this

Now, I'd like your opinion, why is it so cheap?! Would I be getting myself into trouble by buying something just because I saw it on sale and get something of lesser value? Or is it just me being paranoid? Anyways, I'd like to hear what you guys think of this.

Halp T-T

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:09 am
by mochi.kochi
By the way, this is where I found her perfect wig.

I found the Lorien to be sooooo pretty :>

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:24 am
by IzabethS
The shop where she's so cheap doesn't take pre-orders anymore because they're closing shop. So even if she's still on the site, you can't get her.

Also Yun is a gorgeous girl.

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:36 am
by mochi.kochi
IzabethS wrote:The shop where she's so cheap doesn't take pre-orders anymore because they're closing shop. So even if she's still on the site, you can't get her.

Also Yun is a gorgeous girl.

Nooooooooo :(( why would they even put up sales and pre order buttons.
Sad to hear but you're a Life saver. I don't even know what would happen
if I tried the pre order button. Thank you :)

Back to the drawing board then.

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:47 am
by mochi.kochi
Out of desperation, i checked the site again. I saw the annuncement
In the home page that also mentioned the sale. I tried adding her to the
Cart and a note on top says they will try to order the order (lol). Anyways,
I just had to try, just in case.

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:35 am
by Greyhaunt
You can always order directly from BBB/Resinsoul - you don't have to go through a dealer. It's just like doing a pre-order :) If you are lucky, you can find someone doing a group order and save even more on postage that way.

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:40 am
by EAB
When I follow that link, they don't even show a picture.
You can't go wrong with Bobobie/Resinsoul. Their dolls are beautiful. I warn you, though, you will become addicted fast.
If you order through the Junky Spot, Emory will ship immediately, and he will pack your order with lots of presents. Junky Spot is another thing that's addictive. Emory is such a great person, and his service is impeccable.

Re: I need your help guys :s

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:54 pm
by mochi.kochi
Thanks everyone for taking the time for commenting >:)<

Oh it's not the dolls that I doubt, its the site I saw the cheap one in
i agree that the dolls are beautiful :)

I did consider buying directly from the dealer, junkyspot's shipping
Is a little to expensive because i'm so far away T.T so while just saving
Up I just searched for cheaper ones just in case and I saw this. i was
Thinking if the site had a catch. Anyways, she doesn't come up in the
link anymore because I think I just bought the last one from that store
:D it is preorder but I don't mind the wait if I got to save about half the
price XD

Sad news. Just came home from work and my brother said that the site refunded the money because they can't do pre orders anymore which makes IzabethS right. Sad, so I'm gonna continue saving up. Thanks again everyone for commenting :)
