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Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 11:36 pm
by magkelly
I have a serious buzz on for this guy doll. I'm going to start saving some $$$ to buy me one but not having bought a resin BJD before I have a few questions. First, could I buy a Luo head from Iplehouse and put it on a mirodoll 60cm body to scale down the size and weight just a bit and maybe save me a few $$$? I'm looking at the normal skin tone and a normal body. I'm not looking for him to have big muscles, quite the contrary. Or maybe buy him on resale? I've not seen him on resale anywhere but then again I'm not a member over at DOA and I don't browse the sales there.

If ever I am going to buy a resin BJD this is the guy I want. I'm totally nuts for him, but I can't handle $700 plus in 5 months. I was hoping I could put the head on lay-a-way, pay that off over 5 months, then maybe find a cheaper body I could put it on? He's a bit big actually on the normal 70cm body anyway. If I could get him on a slightly smaller body that would suit me just fine. I just absolutely love his sculpt though. He reminds me a lot of a 20 something lead singer of a certain 60's band that I had more than a bit of a crush on growing up. If he were human I'd be totally drooling...:P

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 12:37 am
by Gift_in_Edge
I'm not sure about the scaling down factors but here are some bodies that Mint on Card offers. Blushing can help blend the two pieces together.

Fantasy Doll has a 69cm boy body for $200: ... 6&DOLL=YES
Doll Family - H has 61.5cm boy body for $280: ... 6&DOLL=YES
Doll Family - A has a 62 and 63 cm boy body both are $265: ... 6&DOLL=YES

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:02 am
by Jany
Iple doesn't sell heads separately (usually), BUT I heard they're planning a head event some time in spring. The EID line is currently getting a makeover, the ladies have been re-released on the new body and I guess the guys will probably follow around next month or something ... I'm afraid the Mirodoll body would probably be way too small for Luo, the EID line are 70cm and most EID dudes look like bubbleheads on smaller bodies (including Iple SIDs which are 65cm - otherwise I'd have an Arvid hybrid already -.-°).

Are you on DoA? You could start a pic request in the photo reference subforum if you haven't already, maybe someone has a Luo (or another EID head for scale) and a Miro body ... ?

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:31 pm
by magkelly
No, I don't really want to join DOA. I don't really like what I have seen of them, shrug. I really love this doll but by the time shipping is added in you're talking $800 for a basic doll with no face up and they want it all in a lay-a-way of no more than five months and that's a bit steep for me. I guess I'd better forget it, sigh...

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:41 pm
by SetsunaKou
Magkelly-san, I don't think he'll actually be bobbleheaded on the Miro boy----usually that's true if you put a 70cm head on a 60cm body, it just won't work.

BUT, Iplehouse heads are really tiny. In fact, some of their 70cm heads are even SMALLER than most brands 60cm heads!! (I found that out the hard way! I bought an IH Felix 70cm and his head was so tiny!! He looked so pinheaded to me on his 70cm body.)

The main problem, I think, wouldn't be the size of the head, but the neck circumference. The IH neckholes are HUGE. Those boys have THICK necks.
THe Mirodoll body has just a normal neck size.

If you're handy, you can make the Mirodoll neck thicker using Apoxie Sculpt and then the head would probably fit well. However, just don't think he'll look like he does on the IH body (really tiny head on a big body).
If you put it on a Miro 61cm body, he'll actually look just like most SD sized dolls look. Not that their heads are too 'big' compared to their bodies but the ratio is bigger as per compared to how IH heads ratio look on their bodies. (Which actually look really tiny/pinheaded to me... ^^;; )

So I wouldn't give up if you really love that head! ^^ Anything's possible, ne? ^^

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:15 pm
by magkelly
I really do. I like a lot of the resin BJD's I've seen but this doll it's the only one that's ever really grabbed me. But $800 or so shipped? That's two months lot rent for me....

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:59 pm
by SetsunaKou
Here's a photo I took of IH Felix (70cm) and the Soom Io (64cm) next to each other:


You can see how Felix's head is MUCH smaller than Io's!

So, since it's even smaller than 60cm heads, it would look fine on a 60cm body, ASIDE from the neck thickness. The IH neckhole is HUGE. You'd definitely need to do some serious neck thickening to get the IH head to fit on any 60cm SD sized body.

But it's possible to do and not that hard. Plus, you can choose from many types of Air dry clays nowadays. I recommend Apoxie Sculpt, but I'm sure others, especially Dollykim-san, can suggest a few also.

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:09 pm
by Vetinari
I really hope the head event thing comes true - I'd jump on that in a shot to get a Tedros head, really don't like either of the Iplehouse Bodies currently available in the EID range and I don't hold out that much hope for style differences with the new bodies either.

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:22 pm
by magkelly
Your avatar is making me smile. I got the new Bowie CD and I'm just now listening to it. So far it's sounding very Berlin era (and more than a bit Diamond Dogs) which I like. :mrgreen:

Re: Iplehouse Luo?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:57 am
by Jany
Felix is from the 65cm line, so his head would be smaller than Luo's. I was sure I had seen pics of EID heads on SID bodies, but I can't seem to find them any more ... the closest I found was an SID next to an EID.