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I Has RESIN BJD's....
Sun Apr 07, 2013 2:55 pm
by magkelly
Or at least bodies anyway. Turns out Dad has an AmExp and I am an authorized user on it. Hah! I had no idea. He handed me a card this morning and told me to buy those 1/4 Miro bodies if I wanted to. I went to see how much they were now but the page was still listing the sale prices even though it's April 7th and the sale was supposed to run through the 5th. So I ordered a 1/4 girl and a 1/4 boy NS body. I'm so psyched. It will be a while before I can afford heads of any kind but I'm halfway there to having my first (and likely only pair) of BJD's! This will be it unless I suddenly strike it rich and can actually afford a Luo someday but I plan to make the most of it. It's not likely I'll be doing this one again.
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:47 pm
by zirconmermaid
That's great! Congratulations!
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:13 pm
by britbrat18
That's awesome, Congrats!! Do you have any plans on what heads you want to get for them?
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:26 pm
by magkelly
Not yet. So far most of the heads I am seeing are a bit childish for me but the ones I like are a bit expensive brand new. I'm on DOA now though so that should help. I'm sure there will be plenty of heads to choose from over the next few months once I can see the Marketplace. Probably I am going to buy used and older. I definitely do not want something that looks like a really young kid. A late teen, early 20's something sculpt would be okay, but the Miro bodies are way too mature for anything else. I don't like it when I see a really young face and a very mature body together. It just disturbs me on some level. I simply can't afford a $200 plus head though so I guess I can't afford to be too picky.
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:20 pm
by Nella
Congratulations on getting the bodies! A lot of 1/4 scale heads are 60 to 100$. As for mature looking face sculpts, a different faceup can go a long way.
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:34 am
by magkelly
I don't know what head she's getting but this wig is SO going on it!!!! Rainbow wig, in the right size at a price I can afford? HOT DAMN! I love this shop. I'm about to break out the credit card to buy 3 at least in different colors. They have some awesome doll wigs!!!! Though, actually, it might be that OBTS Delilah might get this one. This rainbow wig would look just excellent on her with her rose lip color and it kind of makes a nice darker rainbow contrast to Dinah, the Bubble Gum Pop Princess with her pastel rainbow wig. There are several others I like too, any of which would look great on whatever head I end up with. But this one I just love. I've been coveting one of these rainbow wigs forever. It's mine, or rather, ours...grin.... ... 25388.html
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:10 am
by TsukiNoKemuri
Wow, magkelly, thanks for sharing that link -- I looked at what they had available, and was surprised to see some reasonable options at prices less than the $20-$30 for other wigs I'd been considering for my two incoming Miro ladies I ordered last week in this same sale. (I peeked at the Miro site again last night and was surprised that they hadn't yet ended their sale.) Gotta say, though, I almost didn't click that link... the phrase "rainbow wig" normally brings a different image to my mind (Clowns! Eek! ^^), but I like this one.
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:01 am
by magkelly
I love multicolor wigs, particularly when they're going for a spectrum effect. I have actually adapted a few Ty girl heads into being wigs for Delilah. Some (but not all) Ty Girls have decent enough hair that it makes for a good wig with a bit of cutting and styling. They're about the right size for her and the wild colors of the hair are a lot of fun. I just cut the head off, cut it down a little on the sides and front, make bangs, and sew it into a wig cap. One of them has hair that is basically like the pastel rainbow wig on that page but it also has some yellow and more pink in it. When I call her the Bubble Gum Pop Princess, there's a good reason for it. That's exactly what she looks like in the thing, like she's made out of sugar coated gummies or maybe cotton candy because she's so sweet and innocent and girly. But she's not exactly. Dinah's well, think Luna Lovegood. She's a bit ditzy but she's also an interesting and unexpectedly old soul. She just looks like a total fluff bunny, lol. I don't usually care for the fur wigs but they have some I do like on that page.
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:36 am
by Jany
Congrats, that's so cool! (Both the bodies and the wig
Regarding heads, I seem to remember Withdoll makes rather mature minis, and they sell
heads separately ... Elfdoll does too, but while I love their SD heads, most of their MSDs are just ... weird. Their MSD size is called "Lovely Doll", their heads can be found
Re: I Has RESIN BJD's....
Mon Apr 08, 2013 6:33 am
by magkelly
Thanks. I hadn't seen those as yet. The first one the dolls are too young for the Miro body, definitely. But the second one I kind of like this head. (For the girl body.) I'm not too sure the shipping et all wouldn't price her way out of my league though. ... 1010115315