So... Looking around at bobble headed dolls with mechanisms. I've got an Angelgate head from when I was pullip curious but it's got no eye-mechs so I'm looking around a bit more again
There's Pullip, Dal, Taeyang etc. Which are adorable, but they're delicate and their wigs are poo/really difficult to mod (and a bit expensive to mod)
Blythe (which I admit I really don't get at all- they're just as expensive as Pullip but shiny and non-poseable with dead looking eyes... Am I missing something here? The mini-blythes are really cute but the full sized ones? *Shudder*)
Tangkou - which is a bit like Pullip/Blythe's love-child... They look cheeky
Blybe, and those weird "money bank" clone dolls
Pretty tempted by Tangkou - like a cheeky less dead-eyed Blythe at a fairly reasonable price, and with an articulated body but are there any others out there?