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Update on Liquitex Professional Matte Varnish

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:51 pm
by SoapBubbles
So, some time back I posted about this potential MSC alternative [here].

I found a problem with this spray: there's a slight yellow discoloration after several layers.

It may just be that I put on abnormally many layers, but there IS some discoloration. Luckily, it doesn't affect the actual doll at all and will come off clean, but the spray itself seems to be the issue here.

I didn't notice it with my normal skin doll, but the slightly yellow tinge was quite noticeable on my white skin doll after several layers.

Just an update and info for people that might want to try the product out. Hope it helps!

Re: Update on Liquitex Professional Matte Varnish

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:27 am
by richila
Thank you for the update! :D