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PiccoNeemo vs OBitsu on pose ability Image heavy Doll nudity

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PiccoNeemo vs OBitsu on pose ability Image heavy Doll nudity

Postby Linainversetsg » Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:09 pm

Before I start i'd like to make a quick note about the Picco Neemo. Be careful with those little hands! They can be a challenge to get on and off and the pegs are delicate and start to show wear easily. Also I apologize for the hello kitty clock in the background, with Irena's hair pulled up like that it created too much weight and I needed a way to keep her up.

To start I decided to try the leg range.


When it comes to taking the leg back in the upper thigh they are very evenly matched, neither one are particularly impressive and the back motion there is very limited.
So i'd say on that part neither get a point.

When it comes to knee range though, Obitsu wins hands down. The obitsu is able to bring the foot up to touch the rear end, and the Neemo's range basically stop in an L line.
So that brings the Obitsu up a point.


Forward range is also pretty closely matched.
I think at the upper thigh the Neemo might have a slightly further range. The upper thigh forward movement on both is pretty good, so both take a point on that one.

At the knee, the forward movement is practically none for the Obitsu. The human leg has a bit of forward bend, which I feel the Neemo captures well. So the Neemo wins on forward knee movement.


When it Comes to a sitting pose, both can do the pose pretty much the same, However in this picture you can see that the Obitsu has it's toes pointed down like you could expect when your feet are dangling, this is more or less it for the Neemo's foot range. You have a bit of give from side to side, but there is no up or down movement and the side to side movement is very poor. I think it could be modified to be a bit wider on the side to side but I'm not personally interested enough to try.
So the Obitsu gets 2 points for the extra foot range, Bringing the score so far to a tie at 4 points.


The final part of the legs would be the thigh range. The Neemo easily takes the point for the width of motion. The thickness of the plastic around the leg joint limits this area slightly for the Obitsu. However, the Obitsu can do more interesting poses with the backwards knee motion.
Like this one :P

The Neemo is about as close as you can get to it without her looking like she's about to crawl.


For basic poses the elbows are both fine, however again, the Obitsu has a wider range of bend. The Obitsu can achieve a pose similar to if you were resting your arm on the desk and resting against it, so very folded. The Neemo can do a lay back and resting on your arm pose, but not the folded arm. When it comes to a slight back bend, the Neemo does better so leaning back will look a bit more natural with the Neemo.

http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e192/ ... tuparm.png

When it comes to a straight up swing i feel like the Neemo can get closer to straight up because of the slight bow out shap created by the obitsu arm. The way the Neemo shoulder joint is built so the entire shoulder will rotate up.

As for torso movement the Obitsu wins on movement. This creates a wider posing range in terms of looking up and leaning and what not.
Aesthetically I like the Neemo but the Obitsu is much better for posing.

They are very closely matched, but the bending points at the knee and elbow make for better poses. For basic poses both can do pretty much the same things.

And as an extra, here are their feet.

The Neemos can't really wear kelly shoes on their own. I have a couple shoes that came on a knock off Kelly doll but they are still pretty loose. I think with socks the Neemos can pull off shoes that are like mary janes, with the straps on the shoes, but any flat will be hard to keep on.
I put Irena's tights onto the Neemo and the knock off shoes stayed on better and weren't loose, but the green flats I have kept falling off.
Last edited by Linainversetsg on Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PiccoNeemo vs OBitsu on pose ability Image heavy Doll nu

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:35 pm

Thank you for posting this review. Whilst I love the bitty body this new Neemo body may get a home as a TC character yet...Now if only they'd make a male version so I can have Angie AND Derek.
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Re: PiccoNeemo vs OBitsu on pose ability Image heavy Doll nu

Postby Wardah » Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:41 pm

Would Polly Pocket shoes work?
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Re: PiccoNeemo vs OBitsu on pose ability Image heavy Doll nu

Postby Linainversetsg » Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:35 pm

Sadly no, their feet are just a bit too long.
I think maybe an open toed backless shoe might work, but anything that fully surrounds the foot will not work. That was my first thought when I saw their feet, and the hard plastic and rubber shoes are both too small :(.
Last edited by Linainversetsg on Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PiccoNeemo vs OBitsu on pose ability Image heavy Doll nu

Postby Wardah » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:38 am

What about Chelsea shoes? And while on the subject of Chelsea how does she compare with PiccoNeemo? She is slightly taller than Kelly so maybe she can wear her clothes better.
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