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Modding bobobie tinies question.

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Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby AmberRose » Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:19 pm

Ok, I mod my dolls all the time but generally this just invloved lots of sanding to remove what it already there to open up or smooth down or reshape, etc

however i have a project what would be a good material to make a knee joint for a bobobie tiny.
i want to make a peanut for the knee so i can attach a different lower leg that requires a joint that i don't have.

what material/product would one suggest to make it, i have paper clay, and another brand of airdry clay DAP or something to that effect i also have ladoll clay i considered using a bead and putting the putty over it but i dunno i know i will need to sand it to fit the bobobie thigh and the top of the lower leg, the lower leg already lines up almost perfectly but there is no peanut to allow him to stand or sit without there just being a hole in the backand just seeing a cord.

common modders how would you make a knee joint with nothing to start off from i know some have used apoxie sculpy to extend the smaller elbow joints into double joints, but i need to make mine from scratch as the knee joint is the top of the bobobie tinies lower leg. i need something i can sand and work with until i get the right fit too but wont crumble from stringing and posing. suggestions please ty ;)
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby Greyhaunt » Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:47 pm

for the kind of strength you'd need in a joint I'd say use something like Apoxy sculpt. It's much stronger than a normal airdry clay and is sandible.
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby AmberRose » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:26 pm

yeah i was think of that just wondering if they sell that here , i tihnk i will need to order it in the states and have it shipped, btw what color is it? white normal or that green color i normally see?

i know i can paint it either way just wondering as humidity is sooo high here even glossing and spraying things here they nick something aweful even when dryed for a month prior to re-stringing no air conditioners to dry them out inside either.
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:34 pm

Apoxie Sculpt comes in white with a hint of grey and a new version that is extremely white. You are thinking of Miliput that comes in army green.

Also since you are doing tinies, why don't you just get a huge mason jar and put a desiccant in there? You know the humidity absorbing packs like you find in food and vitamins that say DO NOT EAT? Put the thing you have sprayed or painted in there with it and seal it up.
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby AmberRose » Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:47 pm

hummm thats an idea have to look into that, basically i have lati yellow sheep hooves i want to attach to a ns bobobie tiny i held them up to my tan and ws bbb tinies the fit is actually pretty good just a lil bit of sanding to be flawless then there is the whole no knee joint issue i need to attend too so they can well ... stand and sit lol

ty when i get a chance i will look into those products i know i have seen none here so i will probally snag some off ebay.
probally get the bright white and just water color paint it to match and seal it with gloss like the hooves i did for my daughter i guess a jar of damprid would do the same thing. something to think about since it's the rainy season currently here. ty
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby angiwyn » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:50 pm

I've also had good luck tinting the Apoxie Sculpt with acrylic paint after mixing the two parts together. So if you get the white, with a little work you should be able to match nearly any color.

Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby victoriavictrix » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:56 pm

Yep. DampRid will do EXACTLY the same thing. Just get one of those GIANT pickle jars or something, put it in the bottom. Then spray and put the doll in the jar and seal it up.

You could also probably find a way to hang the doll or parts from the middle of the lid, so they'd be suspended in the middle.
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby AmberRose » Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:31 am

the mixing the color into the white sounds perfect yeah since i only need to dry to peanuts for a bbb tiny knees they should hand rather easily from a lid ty both for your suggestions , now i just need to get the product probally use one of my current dolls to make the knees then pick up the ns doll but my daughters bday is in august so i will wait a tad for the ns doll i just wanna get the legs ready since i have them already ;) i can color match them to my msd bobobie ns tony or one of my daughters ns 27cm or sd bobobie dolls
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Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby leopardessmoon » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:29 am

I recomend apoxie sculpt or milliput (they do make this in white). you could even embed a wooden bead inside it for an easy tube to string through! :)

Re: Modding bobobie tinies question.

Postby Sock and Awe » Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:58 am

I used super sculpty myself for a similar project and it seems to hold up just fine. Although I imagine miliiput would be preferable. I also wanted to note that super sculpty is a perfect match for the bbb/resinsoul coffee skintone if that bit might come in handy to anyone else.
Sock and Awe

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