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25cm Obitsu girl heads question

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

25cm Obitsu girl heads question

Postby ~TurkishDelight~ » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:03 pm

Hello, I'm going to order a 25cm White Large Soft Bust Obitsu female, and I was wondering if she will come with a head or if I need to buy one separately? If I need to buy it separately, which heads will fit her? I'm asking because there are no 25cm female Obitsu heads that I know of. :oops:
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Re: 25cm Obitsu girl heads question

Postby ShadowKat » Sat Jul 06, 2013 7:48 pm

All the 1/6th scale Obitsu's come headless, if I'm not mistaken. All the Obitsu dolls come with several neck pieces for different sized neck holes, so what head to get depends on if your after a more realistic-sized head, or a cutesie over-sized head. Just make sure that you get a match to your doll's skin-tone. :D

Check out the Junkyspot's 27cm heads for a more realistic sized head. I picked up a set of the W-01 heads, and I think they're on the small side for the 27cm body (which is why April ended up with our 27cm hard-bust body instead of Riruka :D). They would probably look more in scale on the smaller 25cm body (Though I don't have a 25 to check to be sure.) I'm not a huge fan of the different knees on the 25, and I'm not completely sold on the soft torsos (Though I love the Megahouse doll I have on one). There are also a few different eye hole heads that fit the 25/27 bodies.

If your after the more cutesie look, the 23cm "child" heads, like the Parabox Neko, would work, I think. I don't know much about them, though.
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Re: 25cm Obitsu girl heads question

Postby Linainversetsg » Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:31 pm

I have the F01N type head from the 21/23cm head selection for my 25cm girl. It's a huge pain to get the head on and off but it fits and looks very cute.
I'm thinking of trying to hybrid on of the 11cm neck pegs with the pointed tops just for the sake of getting the head on easier.
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