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Wig Advice, Please?

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Wig Advice, Please?

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Thu May 15, 2014 3:46 pm

MeltedCaramel wrote:Hey there Lamia! :D You'll have to chalk up another vote for the white fibre wig. There's just something very ethereal and ghostly about it, but in a pretty way. I'm not quite sure which is better for your Marika's personality, but if she's a neutral/evil character I would go with the more wild look of the white fur, but if she's more elegant/meant to be a positive character, I would definitely go for the white fibre! :) Whatever you choose, you'll definitely show us her new faceup and her final wig choice, right? ;)

The blank clear face IS her new faceup :lol:

I'm leaving the white fiber wig on her for now.

Marika was just a normal human girl, before she got mixed up in a fight between a pair of fey siblings and a demon family... now she's a ghost whose soul is bound to the mortal world, and has a complicated possibly-romantic relationship with one of the demon brothers...
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Lamia of the Dark
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Re: Wig Advice, Please?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Fri May 16, 2014 9:05 am

Lamia of the Dark wrote:
MeltedCaramel wrote:Hey there Lamia! :D You'll have to chalk up another vote for the white fibre wig. There's just something very ethereal and ghostly about it, but in a pretty way. I'm not quite sure which is better for your Marika's personality, but if she's a neutral/evil character I would go with the more wild look of the white fur, but if she's more elegant/meant to be a positive character, I would definitely go for the white fibre! :) Whatever you choose, you'll definitely show us her new faceup and her final wig choice, right? ;)

The blank clear face IS her new faceup :lol:

I'm leaving the white fiber wig on her for now.

Marika was just a normal human girl, before she got mixed up in a fight between a pair of fey siblings and a demon family... now she's a ghost whose soul is bound to the mortal world, and has a complicated possibly-romantic relationship with one of the demon brothers...

Oh! :? Whoops, I apologize! I thought you were going to add features. OTL

The white fibre wig is definitely very pretty and ethereal. :) Her backstory sounds really interesting! And possible demon lover...yeah I'm a sucker for paranormal romance. :lol:
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Re: Wig Advice, Please?

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Sat May 17, 2014 12:21 am

Ha ha, their story is actually quite complicated... but they probably end up together in the end. (It's not fully written... I'm a bit scattered in the way that I write things.)
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Lamia of the Dark
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