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Tangkou looks like Blythes older naughtier sister

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Tangkou looks like Blythes older naughtier sister

Postby Jodapan » Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:43 am

She has that devilish look don't you think?

I'm tempted to get one I don't have a blythe or pullip to compare her to but the pictures have me sold.
I want one unrooted so I can wack a wig on that bald head of hers. I really like vampire and england.
Which do you like or don't like?

A few Customs I have found

Has anybody made any customs here?

Post some pics of your dolliehs please?
Gaiaonline: Trampire
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Would love some more hujoo
Searching for 7-8 wigs and 20mm eyes!
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Re: Tangkou looks like Blythes older naughtier sister

Postby yarwel » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:23 am

It says vampire comes with an unglued wig on the US retail website, France has a glued-on wig, and England is rooted. It sounds like she is designed to be fairly easy to customize;they even comes with different colored eye chips to change out. It looks like the sculpts are all the same or very similar and the main difference is the body and the method the hair is attached.
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Re: Tangkou looks like Blythes older naughtier sister

Postby LiveLoveYarn » Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:44 pm

Customized, I like them. Stock...well..not so much XP But that is just my personal preference. I am also wondering if anyone has successfully obitsufied her?? I could be wrong, but I believe that on their stock bodies they are taller than Blythe.
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