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Goodwill Barbie transformed

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Goodwill Barbie transformed

Postby Eseme » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:34 am

So, while feeling bummed that I didn't have an Obitsu in early August, I made a wig for a Goodwill Barbie I had bought to reroot. More info on the wig is in Custom Creations.

Once she had a wig, I started trying clothes. She did't look right in most of the clothes I have (collected from a toy show and a flea market).

Then she decided that she's a princess…


And once they decide they are royalty, well… then they get all haughty and demand a throne, a hot drink, and a loyal companion.


Ah, tea. And she decided she must have the princess clock too.


SHe's been on display for a while, making me really pleased. However, I did not really love her body, and those giant hands. So yesterday I went over to Big Lot and got a Liv Sophie, who is a perfect match in skintone. I'll have new pics once I take them.

If anyone knows what doll she is, please let me know. I found her naked at Goodwill, with really ratty bond hair in two ponytails with bangs.
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Re: Goodwill Barbie transformed

Postby SetsunaKou » Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:43 am

Awww, how lovely a tea party!!! ^^ Nice job!

She's a Disney Sleeping Beauty/Princess Aurora by Mattel.
I have the talking version and she's one of my favorites (her face is really pretty!) because she says really funny things!

She says 'Well, I MUST do something with my hair! What do you think?!' and 'There's a fabulous royal ball tonight and I need to get ready.' and 'Do you have a mirror?'

Image (Ignore the scratchy photo---that's the plastic box window!)
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Re: Goodwill Barbie transformed

Postby zirconmermaid » Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:04 pm

Nice rescue!! She looks very happy, and I love the clock too!
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Re: Goodwill Barbie transformed

Postby Eseme » Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:35 pm

SetsunaKou, thanks for letting me know who she is! Her hair was a mess, and seeing the curls, I understand why. Those curls with a small child leads to a matted mess, which is what I got. And she was picked up with what I think is a Belle doll (she has stars in her brown eyes and will need a repaint).

She has a very cute perky nose. I'm not wild about how wide her grin is. It's also hard to work with eyes that look up and sideways. So I'm not sure if I should try repainting her, or leave her as is. I'll get more pics tonight and post tomorrow.

Zirconmermaid - she was a great find. Originally marked at $2.00 each, the clerk felt horrible at charging that much for naked dolls with matted hair, so she discounted them to $1.00 each. I am *very slowly* rerooting Belle, who will also need a repaint.
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Re: Goodwill Barbie transformed

Postby Mary Kathryn » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:05 am

Well, that explains why she thinks she's a princess...she is! :lol: The wig looks awesome.
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Re: Goodwill Barbie transformed

Postby Eseme » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:31 pm

Thanks Mary Kathryn. I had fun making the wig.

Her origins do explain everything!
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