Once she had a wig, I started trying clothes. She did't look right in most of the clothes I have (collected from a toy show and a flea market).
Then she decided that she's a princess…

And once they decide they are royalty, well… then they get all haughty and demand a throne, a hot drink, and a loyal companion.

Ah, tea. And she decided she must have the princess clock too.

SHe's been on display for a while, making me really pleased. However, I did not really love her body, and those giant hands. So yesterday I went over to Big Lot and got a Liv Sophie, who is a perfect match in skintone. I'll have new pics once I take them.
If anyone knows what doll she is, please let me know. I found her naked at Goodwill, with really ratty bond hair in two ponytails with bangs.