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1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

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1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:14 am

Okay! Well, I seem to have searched the internet and haven't been able to find anything much on this.

Restyling your doll's hair? Does anyone have any tutorials for how to cut a doll's hair once you've painstakingly rerooted it? In particular I'm looking for shorter styles and layers, stuff that works good for recreating anime styles with real hair. But honestly? I'll take anything at this point! :?

If it helps (probably not, why are there not more tutorials online for this stuff!?), I'm styling my current project in a sort of...psuedo Yakuza haircut? I have no idea what to call the look besides that! :? Something like:
Except I rooted my doll with white hair and it's rather thick, so...yep.

Also, I know there are pay-for tutorials on Ebay, and I'm not opposed to paying for the knowledge if I have to, but with the CDs at $25 and $30 respectively, that seems a little steep for not having any kind of reference pictures on how the tutorial works. So I was curious if anyone out there owns any pay-for tutorials? If they do: Is it worth it?

Thanks in advance for any help at all!! <33
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby SetsunaKou » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:04 am

Hi MeltedCaramel-san!!!!

Your picture link doesn't load but I'd be glad to give you some tips/pointers on anime doll hair. Could you reupload the picture and we'll try to see what you're after. ^^

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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:54 pm

SetsunaKou wrote:Hi MeltedCaramel-san!!!!

Your picture link doesn't load but I'd be glad to give you some tips/pointers on anime doll hair. Could you reupload the picture and we'll try to see what you're after. ^^


Hey there Setsuna!! <33

Hmnn, that picture is working for me just fine. I'll just link my next examples then. Argggh it's kind of hard to find the exact style I'm talking about! So, just...general guidelines here.

http://www.next-screen.com/wp-content/u ... k-hair.jpg
http://www.landinails.com/wp-content/up ... rs65ir.jpg <---Leo's hair is a bit flat here but technically this is the most accurate to what I'm looking for. :3
http://i0.wp.com/www.fashionisingpictur ... dehair.jpg

Is this good? ^^ Thank you so much for your help Setsuna! <3
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby SetsunaKou » Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:13 pm

Yup, those work fine!

So, basically like Kojuurou's hairstyle? That one is a toughie to replicate on dolls but it can be done. Did you keep the plastic hoop that was around Kojuurou's head when you got him? If so, that would be best to use, but if not, you can always use chenille/pipe cleaners/fuzzy stix instead.

For that hairstyle, it's actually best to not root thickly or if you do, very very tiny plugs of just a few hairs each. This is so the hairstyle can stay down and pouf out, especially at the sides and bottoms.
What type of hair did you use to root it? Nylon, saran or kanekalon?
If nylon, you'll need to boil perm it in place, and with saran, you need to almost boil it, and if kanekalon, it needs to be much less than boiling, but hotter than tap.

But anyway, brush the hair back as smoothly as you can down the back and from the sides, and then use the plastic wrapper hoop thing to slide down over its hair and face to keep the hair down in place. If you don't have it, just use fuzzy stix to twist around the head and then keep the hair down and in place. I'd twist it firmly around the neck area, too, as well as around the eye/forehead circumference, to get that tight look in the back nape with little tendrils sticking out.

Once you get it all smoothed down and looking how you want it inside the twist stix or plastic, then dip the head in the hot water. (Pretty boiling for nylon; almost boiling but not quite for saran; and much less than boiling for kanekalon.) It's best to test excess or loose hair in the water first to make sure the temperature doesn't 'frizz' it.

Once you dip the head, leave it in for about 15 seconds, then remove carefully (making sure to keep all the stix in place) and let dry on a towel, again in the style you want it to dry in. (fluff out the back tendrils near the nape, etc.)

If it's nylon, I boil perm the heads at least 3 times before I go to the next step. If it's kanekalon, just one dip should work. Saran....sometimes it's once, sometimes it's more, so better be safe than sorry and dip at least twice.)

Let dry again and once it's completely dry, you can do two things:

1)Remove the stix/head wrapper and then just trim the hair in the back.
2)Use 'Got 2 Be' glued hairspray to get a really tight and non-falling out slicked back look. If you opt for this, spray it on the hair before you remove the stix/wrapper so that they keep the hair in place still. You can also use 'Got 2 Be Glued' gel which is even more permanent than the spray but it's a bit messier to work with. Use that for really tough hairstyles (like Yugi from YuGiOh, for example. ^^)

After about an hour or two, (with the spray) you can remove the stix/wrapper and it should be all done apart from some trimming. If you use the gel, that should stay in all night to get maximum hold.

Hope that helps!!!! ^^
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Tue Jun 24, 2014 6:35 pm

Hey there Setsuna!! Thank you so much for trying to help!! T^T

As for the hairstyle, it's kind of hard to explain! ^^;; It's not so much Kojuurou's style as it is a...severe salaryman-esque cut? Same basic principle though I guess. There are no tendrils at the nape though, it's just pretty much all slicked back with no flyaways or stray strands sticking out.

....I have a terrible feeling that my reroot is going to need to be redone! It's so ridiculously thick! :oops: Yep, I think a new reroot is in order here.

Actually what I'm having trouble with though is more...how to cut the hair if that makes sense? As in I'm not quite sure how to/where to cut the hair for the length/style I'm going for. I tried looking at some human hair cutting tutorials to get a bit of a sense of how to cut this particular style, but of course it doesn't exactly cover hair plugs and layers on a bald doll head so...wasn't as much help as I'd hoped! :oops:

I feel so hopeless! :?

Perhaps ordering one of those CDs may be in order. :|
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby SetsunaKou » Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:08 pm

No, no, it's really not hard at all! No need to buy any cds. You can do it!!! :)

You'll need to boil perm the hair FIRST, and then, once it's all down, you can cut and style it. Make sure to never trim/cut the hair until AFTER you boil it all down in a natural position. Then you can worry about the styling after it's naturally falling/laying on the head and not just sticking all up or poufy.

Just slicked back style is even better than the Kojuurou nape tendrils! Then once it's all plastered down on his head and neck from the boil perm, you don't even need to worry about tendrils and can just cut and trim evenly--those are the tough part! Just cut close to the neck nap in an upwards angle.

Trust me, once you boil perm the hair down and in place, then you can go about cutting it and getting the feel of how to do it. But not before. It will definitely change in volume and length after it's boiled.
For the slicked back style, there's really not much to cut (the bangs and layers of other styles are what's more difficult to get the hang of.)

But the 'salaryman' style you're after is really simple---just I'd definitely start with a thinner reroot. Not so he's bald but not so super thick the plugs won't stay down just from the sheer volume of them bumping against each other. ^^

:) Maybe for the thick reroot you can just pull some plugs where they won't be necessary?
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:09 pm

SetsunaKou wrote:No, no, it's really not hard at all! No need to buy any cds. You can do it!!! :)

You'll need to boil perm the hair FIRST, and then, once it's all down, you can cut and style it. Make sure to never trim/cut the hair until AFTER you boil it all down in a natural position. Then you can worry about the styling after it's naturally falling/laying on the head and not just sticking all up or poufy.

Just slicked back style is even better than the Kojuurou nape tendrils! Then once it's all plastered down on his head and neck from the boil perm, you don't even need to worry about tendrils and can just cut and trim evenly--those are the tough part! Just cut close to the neck nap in an upwards angle.

Trust me, once you boil perm the hair down and in place, then you can go about cutting it and getting the feel of how to do it. But not before. It will definitely change in volume and length after it's boiled.
For the slicked back style, there's really not much to cut (the bangs and layers of other styles are what's more difficult to get the hang of.)

But the 'salaryman' style you're after is really simple---just I'd definitely start with a thinner reroot. Not so he's bald but not so super thick the plugs won't stay down just from the sheer volume of them bumping against each other. ^^

:) Maybe for the thick reroot you can just pull some plugs where they won't be necessary?

Uwaahhh!! *Hugs* Thank you so much for all your help Setsuna, really! T^T After reading this I don't feel like it's so much of an impossibility to get this done! The only thing I'm going to have to do is reroot for sure. ^^;; I literally packed my poor doll's head. At least I'll get to try my smaller rerooting needle tool!

<33 I can't thank you enough! You explained in such a clear, concise way and now I don't feel like this is an impossible obstacle! :D
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby maywong » Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:30 am

There are some cutting tuts out there. Have you tried YouTube? Cutting boys hair short and styling it has been my bane.
I am lucky enough that my girlfriend went to beauty school and can cut my doll's hair.
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby MeltedCaramel » Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:23 pm

maywong wrote:There are some cutting tuts out there. Have you tried YouTube? Cutting boys hair short and styling it has been my bane.
I am lucky enough that my girlfriend went to beauty school and can cut my doll's hair.

Ah, no I haven't tried Youtube. Are there any specific tutorials you'd recommend? That's my main issue too, the short hairstyles with all their cutting and layering and making it look nice... :? Right now I'm actually trying to cut a girl doll's hair but she's got a short boyish cut in the back! It's one of those projects where you just want to start tearing out your own hair, nevermind the stupid doll! :lol:
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Re: 1/6 Hair Cutting/Restyling?

Postby Anderson'sAllPurpose » Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:05 pm

I'm in the same boat, actually: I cut my first guy's hair last week. It wasn't exactly a success (partially because I rooted it too thick) and I'll probably end up soaking it in gel, but I think it's one of those things you need to learn by doing.

Unfortunately I don't have any good tips, but this tutorial is pretty good: http://www.dolls-n-daggers.com/Dolls/Fo ... opic=926.0. It's actually for a pixie cut on a 16'' doll so it may not be exactly what you're after, but I thought it had some good points for cutting doll hair in general.
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