On sale all the Stardolls for $14.99. I went there today to get something else and I found a whole bunch of them on the shelf. I had a $5 bonus gift card from buying cat litter last week and guess who was actually on the shelf for once? Yup, the red and black Fallen Angel.
There were two of them on the shelf actually but one was a sight. She had only one eye lash and her lip paint was a total disaster. The other one was however perfect and for $10 (with gift card deduction) she finally came home with me. Can't wait to rebody her and all. I have been wanting her since the very first picture of her appeared on the web.
At $23 sans bendy body I just kept telling myself "no" but at not even half that? You bet I took her adorable little vampy self home, grin. Now all I have to do is figure out what body to put her on and what outfit to put her in. I don't like her current outfit much. She'll needs a Liv Hayden I think so I will have to swap someone else off one for a while. My Disney Belle's have two, so maybe I'll put one back on a Disney non-articulated body for a while....