michellebebe Ahhh, wow, for your first
doll repaint ever that's even more incredible!!
As for repainting, hah, all my money seems to be dumped into recreating the anime characters I love who are never in danger of getting themselves a 1/6 figure (ahh, sarcasm in the mid afternoon), so I'm usually stuck to a certain look if I want my repaints to look like the characters I'm doing. Also, I seem to have inadvertently picked The Base Dolls From Hell. Everyone mentions washing the facepaint away with acetone...pshaww, I'm on my...oh my, I've lost count, but I think it's sixth or seventh heavy duty application of remove-zit.
It's all delaying my already delayed fun!! But in all seriousness, I would adore seeing more of your work!! <3333