Well I sprung for a base Jackson on line, a few weeks on my wish list and his price plummeted
MSRP for doll + gas to go look for one + sales tax= buy
The gas to go look for one is especially helpful if you live in or half way to Bumf**k like I do and there isn't a place to easily get to. I used to be able to walk to two stores with decent selections now I have to be driven to one that's usually wiped but only if we're heading that way and... I've passed up Operettas and Neferas on the shelves and usually when I buy one on line I'll find a dozen on the shelf the next time I shop. Let's hope doll karma can give me someone I want like the GIl before the Holidays
So, do I want to keep my GB Jackson as he is or reroot the boy? Any suggestions?