Evelien wrote:I doubt I'll see them in Dutch stores soon. Seeing an Operetta yesterday was like "OMGWTFBBQ" to me. They hardly sell here anyway so I always see the same dolls on the shelves.
Here in Italy you can currently find only Operetta Nefera and Cleo in most shops.
I was wondering if those dolls had not much of success among children in my country but then I talked to some shop owners and they tell me it's hard to find some to order.. that's so strange! Is that a Mattel strategy to keep them highly requested or it's simple disorganization?
Also because you can find most in the whole country but in the single places only a few arrive, so I'm worried that if the new ones will come out in some shops they won't arrive in my island
DollyKim wrote:Hmm, I can see mugging the Steampunk girl, who is her Monster parent supposed to be? Not liking the hair color though, the blue doesn't quite work for me. I wonder if there is "metallic" but not tinsel looking hair somewhere?
Robecca is the daughter of the mad scientist and she's a sort of robot girl.
Many people don't like her color match but actually I found it more matching than the Ghoulia or Toralei. I don't think she has metallic hair but her skin looks like it has some metallic effect on it...