lovelovekitty wrote:So I went out to have a look around. I found basic Abbey and Operetta along with Rochelle at my TRU and the TRU exclusive fearleading three pack. I can probably pick up a Rochelle for someone (she's really common, i've seen her all over) next week if you have some good references I can check (I really don't want her for my daughter's collection and if I'm buying her for someone I want to make sure I am going to get that money back)
If you could pick up a Rochelle for me, that would be great! I have feedback here on DS (Lamia has bought a monster for me) and on Den of Angels, if you have access to it. ... #post83589 But my check won't be here til Wednesday, and won't clear til Thursday, so only grab her if you can afford to hold her for me, until then. <3