Evelien wrote:...
what are you guys talking about..?
Internet Rule 34 = There is a porn of it. No exceptions.
The boards/folders we mentioned are subsections of 4chan.
aafghsglhsworighk, she is gorgeous and I love her and and and *implodes from the overload of awesome*

I'm not renaming her, because I like her name... >_> alll my other monsters were renamed immediately (or within the first few days of being home, at least.)
And on that note, my Jackson has decided that he is Talus... who is a very minor character in a small subset of my stories set in Lamia's Standard Universe (the main setting of most of my original stories). I have no idea why he would pick that character to be, but I guess he's him now...
[wheeeeeee... I'm chatty today.]
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@