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Monster Mash

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Re: Monster Mash

Postby Sarah » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:39 pm

I've had those same issues with Lagoona too ShadowKat, especially the surfer hand! I am not sure about this new Lagoona's outfit, but her hair looks really nice and I like her face, so I'm thinking she's a definite possibility.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby catshem » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:29 pm

I'm not super interested in the Dance class line, but I need to see one up close. Im really excited for Scaris though, but I'm not rushing out to the store as soon as they release cause it'll just waste a lot of time and gas trying to find who I want before Scalpers and other collectors. Not to mention my Target is slow to put the new stuff on shelves. I learned this after our mad hunt for Venus and Robecca; if you just wait for the hype to die, you'll find the doll you want on shelf at retail price.
Never give in to scalpers. NEVER! I mean, have you seen some of the prices the Dance Class dolls are going for on ebay???
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby ShadowKat » Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:48 pm

Visited the store today and in an amazing coincidence saw School's Out Lagoona on the shelves! She has the surfer hand too! NOOOOO!!! I think I'll end up going with the RM Lagoona (If I don't like the Dance Class one) just 'cause I love the green in her hair, and the 2 little wispy curls. Maybe try and trade for a different outfit and hand later on....
I totally didn't realize that the Dance Class is already out. I'll be waiting on them for the shelves. I wanna see them in person. Though I think that I'm gonna click more with this Robecca than the Basic.

It really sucks that they don't make the costumes in adult sizes. I really want an Abbey costume. I think I'm gonna try and squeeze into the Lg girls. I can always take it back later if I can't fit. They need more adult merchandise.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby DollyKim » Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:05 am

I wouldn't be beyond trading hands at this time. I have a Skull Shores Lagoona in my reroot pile so it doesn't matter what hands she gets.

If anyone hits upon a spare Dance Class Howleen LMK. I'm still a couple of weeks away from my next toy run. And I'd like to see pics of Robecca's face.

*PS Mattel.com is running a buy 3 get one free promo including the few Monsters they have, 1600, Dot Dead, Roller Maze and a few others.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby catshem » Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:32 am

ShadowKat wrote:It really sucks that they don't make the costumes in adult sizes. I really want an Abbey costume. I think I'm gonna try and squeeze into the Lg girls. I can always take it back later if I can't fit. They need more adult merchandise.

I figure you'd either have to sew the outfit yourself, or get as close to their style as you can with casual clothes. I found an awesome Cleo de Nile shirt at Nordstrom weeks ago that looked exactly like her typical mummy wrappings style... but it was really expensive >_<
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby DollyKim » Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:48 am

Darn you Mattel promo...

I've definitely set myself up for needing a Howleen as I'll finally begetting a Nefara. Looks like I'll be making a second pattern book and hoping the Headmistress and Nefara use the same bod. On the good side I can make ponies! Now to figure out a horn for spare Spectra and where to put their Cutie Marks.

When this hits 200 pages let's start a new thread, Revenge of the Monsters!
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby knittnkitten » Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:10 am

I have a skull shores lagoona that I repainted if anyone is interested?

I'm kind of waiting for skullita first before I buy ANY other doll. also I need to pack some of my dolls up if mom is serious about remodeling the upstairs bed rooms.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby Kirahfaye » Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:19 pm

My daughter bought a gorgeous Robecca Steam doll. She has gears in her calves - how cool!
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby DollyKim » Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:20 pm

And I sincerely apologize to my Monsters for making them watch the Ghouls Rule movie and the horrid things it's saying about Samhain. We all understand it's just an hour long doll commercial and borrows too many plot elements from Night of the Living Rednecks. What I can't explain is how every single girl sounds exactly the same.

PS When did Gil take up bad Christopher Walken impressions?
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby SugarCorpse » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:19 pm

.... i feel kinda pathetic right now =< my boyfriend and i went to walmart and while he was checking out nerf guns i was looking in the doll isle.... and i saw Rochelle Goyle for the first time in person and it hit me like a train... I was like " i need her NOW D=" then noticed she was like $28 dollars... thats so expensive for one doll..... ;~; I literally started crying in the doll isle... i am 20 years old and had a break down in the doll isle... how sad is that? D= whats worse is theres only 2 of them there and ive never seen them ANYWHERE else in my town D= they'll probably be gone tomorrow....
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