I agree. I definitely don't like paying the $20 in the stores for these dolls, but knowing that I'd be paying that plus 5-100 dollars depending plus shipping online, I'd rather get them in the stores than online (especially if the one I want of the character is one of the $12 assortments, or on clearance or discounted). I'm totally addicted to these dolls now, though I'm getting close to all the dolls I want (1 of each plus about 4 or 5 for customs), and I'll soon be shopping for outfits off the dolls (though those can run as much as a new-in-box doll).
My stores have tons of the Dot Dead Spectra in, and I love ours. My only problem is the cheap hair they used on her, all the flyaways! Grrr! If anyone wanted, I might be able to pick one up in a week or so. They're actually on clearance at most places, only $20 including tax now instead of $20 without tax. They seem to be stocking all 3 regularly around here. I looked at both DDG and RM Operetta's today, and considered getting the Dot Dead and restyling her hair like her basic, but I got the Vamp/Sea Monster double-torso pack instead.
Speaking of, anyone with that pack, did you ever get that wig to sit properly? I cut the peg off, but the wig seems too small for her head. My vamp stole it and demanded new clothes, because I hate how tight the skirt is and the top is horribly sewn. And now I need to find a pretty 5 wig for my Sea Monster, and figure out her style, though I love her outfit. I love the CAMs! I want the werewolf now and I need the witch body for my Venus (her head-peg broke.
I can't wait for the pics of Howleen, DollyKim. She's the one I'm really interested in from that line (And Robecca, but I might grab her basic while she's still in stores if one with good paint pops up on the shelves).