:/ I feel like such an airhead!!! I forgot to say thanks to everyone in my last post. I completely forgot! So thank you so much KitKat, Siead, magkelly, SarahO, and DollyKim!
Got more done for my sea monster too. I'm calling her Nautica for now, though that may change. She now has painted leg fins, tentacles, and finger/toe nails; got bumped up the shortlist for touch-ups to her eyes (the default color is just not working for her); and has half an outfit sewn. She still needs a shirt (mostly done) plus embellishments (have to go fabric shopping next week), and shoes. Thanks to her being a CAM (and the style outfit I'm making her), I don't have to deal with the most frustrating part of sewing tops for these girls, fasteners. I can't ever get anything to line up properly.