I finally got Catrine!!!

She had a markdown sticker on her for $13, so I nabbed her, but when I got up to the register, she rang up for $9.98! I was shocked! Her hair was a crunchy sticky mess when I got her out of the box, but a couple of washes and it's now soft and has just the right amount of curl to it. She has a couple of paint flaws that I'll have to get Hubby to fix in the near future, but I'm happy with her. I need to charge the batteries so I can take pics. XD
Also, seen the first wave of 13 Wishes at K-Mart. Tywla is a total want and I'm really glad I held off on Dance Class Howleen because 13 Wishes Howleen is so much prettier! I can't wait to get them (none of the ones at the store had good paint/were rooted good)! Poor Tywla, all the pics I see of her she looks really... um... dumpy? She's not like that in person at all. I can't wait to bring her home!

Also, I think I finally found my Clawdeen! The new I <3 Fashion Clawdeen is gorgeous, and I love all the purple and green clothing she comes with... Boo for TRU exclusive (the nearest one is about an hour drive at least, and I have no idea how to navigate the big city).