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Husband of the Monster

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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby kenaiqueen » Sun Jul 28, 2013 2:21 pm

I haven't seen any of the SDCC doll news. Anyone have a link?

Lamia, I just love your snake lady. She reminds me of the one on Hercules and just cracks me up every time I see her!
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby Qrinta » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:35 pm

For the MH stuff I just saw it on their facebook page.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby DollyKim » Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:01 pm

ToysRUs.com has 13 Wishes and Dance fest dolls on their site. I was able to snag GiGi and Twyla.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby magkelly » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:54 pm

Just a heads up. The Gloom Beach 5 pack is supposed to be on sale at Target for $29.99 but many of the stores are actually selling the dance class 5 pack instead for that because they no longer have the Gloom Beach ones to sell. My SIL picked up the dance class pack for me this afternoon. (I'm babysitting my youngest niece and a pal tomorrow all day. Doing my SIL a favor. She paid me back in MH dolls, lol.)

I was very happy to have it as I liked the Lagoona and Gil dolls in there. I don't have a Robecca either but I am not too crazy about how they made her though I think the character in the cartoons is cute. I don't know. I'm thinking of adding more bright colors to her hair. I might like her more then maybe. The Rochelle and Operetta I am going to custom or maybe trade as they are duplicate dolls for me in terms of character and I don't want two of those. I do want the 3 outfit Target Frankie. Don't have her as yet. So far I like that Frankie and the Scaris one and will probably end up getting one or the other.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby Kd_Bunchanumbers » Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:39 pm

If anyone wants to pick up a $30 Dance Class Pack I'm totally willing to trade my Basic Holt with all of his default outfit, accessories, pet and diary for them (cuz his basic doll goes for over $100 on the secondary market with all on his stuff) just putting it out there. I posted a feeler on my tumblr here.

In other news I'm currently working on my Cherry doll from Studio Killers and I'm proud of how she's turning out. i just need to clothe her in a form fitting mini dress. Anyone have any tips for that?

Studio Killers Cherry's body painted by kd_230692, on Flickr
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby DollyKim » Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:57 pm

Just saw the color change CAMs and they're taller like Nefera and the Headmistress. I don't know if they're compatible with the others because I decided not to get them and stick to the smaller girls and boys.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby knittnkitten » Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:06 pm

well I might have to get the seamonster one then...
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:08 am

kenaiqueen wrote:
Lamia, I just love your snake lady. She reminds me of the one on Hercules and just cracks me up every time I see her!

I know it's hard to tell from just that picture, but he actually has the male vampire torso/arms. (He's a him!) :lol:
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby SillyLilPuppet » Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:57 pm

The grocery store across the street from me (Fred Meyers) has a bunch of MHs, including 13 Wishes and the shoe crazy dolls. Plus they had the cat/witch CAM set for half price so I finally got that. I guess no one really thinks to look there since they have a smaller toy section than Walmart, but their MH selection was way better.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby ShadowKat » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:48 pm

I finally got Catrine!!! :D She had a markdown sticker on her for $13, so I nabbed her, but when I got up to the register, she rang up for $9.98! I was shocked! Her hair was a crunchy sticky mess when I got her out of the box, but a couple of washes and it's now soft and has just the right amount of curl to it. She has a couple of paint flaws that I'll have to get Hubby to fix in the near future, but I'm happy with her. I need to charge the batteries so I can take pics. XD
Also, seen the first wave of 13 Wishes at K-Mart. Tywla is a total want and I'm really glad I held off on Dance Class Howleen because 13 Wishes Howleen is so much prettier! I can't wait to get them (none of the ones at the store had good paint/were rooted good)! Poor Tywla, all the pics I see of her she looks really... um... dumpy? She's not like that in person at all. I can't wait to bring her home! :D
Also, I think I finally found my Clawdeen! The new I <3 Fashion Clawdeen is gorgeous, and I love all the purple and green clothing she comes with... Boo for TRU exclusive (the nearest one is about an hour drive at least, and I have no idea how to navigate the big city).
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