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Husband of the Monster

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby DollyKim » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:13 pm

My Gigi arrived. http://dolfielittles.typepad.com/blog/2 ... post-.html She has some nice things going on with a textured body, the hair is supposed to be like that, I think her purse is her bottle. She's the same height as the average Monster. Her color is slightly salmony like one of the darker pink CAMs.


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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby ShadowKat » Thu Aug 15, 2013 9:26 am

Gigi looks lovely, DollyKim! I haven't seen her in stores yet, but hopefully soon! (My K-Mart just started stocking the 13 Wishes this past week) I can't wait for Twyla and Howleen to join the group at home, I'm just waiting on good paint/good hair/from China. Also hoping Walmart or K-Mart will get in Catty Noir. When I first saw her I was less than thrilled, but after seeing some of her CG and seeing the actual production pics, I can't wait to pick her up! Also must bring home the Music Festival Venus. I love her pink hair!

Speaking of the 13 Wishes, anyone see the promo up on YouTube yet? I love Twyla's voice! There's also a new theme song. I have to say I like it a lot better, though the Fright Song is still iconic.

And new pics from me! :D Hubby finally felt like painting my Monsters again, and Cleo was first in line. Her and Spectra have their Picture Day outfits on their way home now, so Cleo is relaxing like the princess she is in her chair in Ghoulia's borrowed PJs.
And Catrine! I forgot to put her scarf back on for the pics, and she hasn't been repainted yet, but luckily her swoopy-bang hides the worst of her paint errors.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby Kirahfaye » Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:40 pm

I finally bought Twyla. I thought I had missed out on her at my local Wally-mart, but there were a couple left in a center isle display. I haven't deboxed her yet, but I love her petite look and of course - purple. Besides, she has the same name as one of my favorite singers.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby DollyKim » Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:02 pm

Saw a price tag at Target for "sports dolls" in the Monsters section which I take to mean swim class. They still have sixte packs and the Skull Shores 5 packs. 13 Wishes sans Gigi, Music Festival sans Venus. Still seeing wolf sisters, Power Ghouls, Ghouls alive, blob and ice CAM starters.

There is a new big plastic coffin thing which isn't a doll case, dafuqe issdat, because it could totally hold a gal and her stuff. It just has non doll stuff in it. Could be used to hold doll stuff.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby magkelly » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:50 pm

OMG, I think I finally just scored a normally priced Toralei Stripe. :o (Fingers crossed...) My credit card balance is going to be obscene next month. I am never going to catch up with my flipping interest rate, but right now I really don't care. :lol: I just hope it's not a mirage and they don't just cancel my order. I have been hunting that bratty little cat forever it seems.

She's going to need a much better outfit. I don't particularly want her to be a Power Ghoul but that I can work around that. Now if I could just find a basic Jackson Jekyll that didn't cost the moon. Most of the rest of the dolls on my list with the exception of Scarah Screams and Jackson are not that hard to find probably. Catty Noir I think I will be able to snag in Sept and Venus is no big deal. She's easy to find. I'm seriously thinking of making my own Scarah out of the lab girl. She is the wrong color green but that's okay. She's needs a face anyhow and I think Scarah would be fairly easy to paint compared to some characters.

This is what's left of my "want" list now.

Jackson Jekyll
Scarah Screams
Venus McFly
Catty Noir

That's it, though I really do waver back and forth on the Werecat twins. (and sometimes Clawde) I just won't pay $45 and up for a set online but if I ever saw them at a store for the normal price I suppose I'd cave. I do have a major kitteh fetish and even if they are snarky little mean girls (like Tori) I kind of like them. But I'm getting right down to it with these MH dolls. I've almost got every doll on my want list, the ones I really, really like. The rest of them I can take or leave and unless they come up with some new characters I just can't stand not to have, that's it for me when I get those last ones. I'm getting into 3 shelves here. :P

But a Tori, finally a Tori? YEAH BABY, about covers it!!!!

This is her under the mask apparently? I thought she was an OOAK for a sec, but apparently not, they just redressed her. She's really pretty, though she looks a bit too nice natured for Tori?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/48784812@N ... /lightbox/

Here's a comparison pic of the two. I like them both but they look vaguely like different characters to me, like sisters, not like the same cat. I like this one though. But the cheerleader she seems more like the character in the videos to me.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/48784812@N ... /lightbox/
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby magkelly » Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:24 am

I think I need to go play the lotto now because tonight I sure hit it MH doll-wise!

I had a $50 TRU gift card that I got a while back that I was saving for a rainy day. I was kind of saving it for either the Catty Noir and the PG Tori if she ever came in or maybe the Fearleading 3 pack if I could ever get it for the normal price and if Catty turned up at Target on the shelf on the 13th. Like I said I've been really wavering back and forth on the WereTwins. As you know from reading above I just ordered the new Tori with my CC in hopes that she would actually be put through and I would finally get one.

Major luck, I thought. Finally a Tori! But not 10 minutes ago I got an automated email from TRU telling me that the Fearleading 3 pack WAS in stock and not just as a random "if your luckier than a leprechaun you just might get one" in the stores thing but it was in stock and available to be shipped directly to me. So guess what I popped my TRU card on? Yup. I got the 3 Werecats AND a PG Tori both tonight!!!! (It was fate. I get the email on the same night I find Tori #2? I was clearly destined to own some Werecat Twins... :twisted: ) I'm going to go buy me a lotto ticket later I think. :P

Seriously if you hurry and hit TRU right NOW you might be able to snag one so RUN!!! Because they never last long and that's the first time I've actually seen them in stock and to ship, EVER. I'm just over the moon here! I never thought to have one Tori let alone both. Of course you never know it could turn out they sold out before I ordered and I might not get either one but I hope not, grin.

So that nicely solves that "too nice looking for Tori" problem. My Tori she has a nicer twin sister from her lost litter that she's just been reunited with. How about Tessa for a name? She'll have to have a different last name though since she was supposed to have been adopted unlike Tori. Any suggestions?
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby SetsunaKou » Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:35 am

Wow!!! Good for you, magkelly-san!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!! ^^ She is lovely!
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby magkelly » Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:46 pm

Thanks. It looks like they are both going to ship. My gosh, grin. I'm totally convinced that MH dolls are dollie crack. Head count 38 including the Werecats and the 2 Tori's if they show up!!!!
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby ShadowKat » Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:17 pm

Congrats, Magkelly! Toralei is really cute!
At this point, I'm just really glad that I don't want a bunch of the same dolls. I just want a bunch of outfits and shoes for them. :D I'm actually almost done buying boxed figures, until the next round of new ghouls come out (Honey Swamp and Vipirine Gorgon especially).

MagKelly, are you just after Basic Venus or have you seen some of her new releases? I actually really like her Music Festival hair and makeup a lot better than her basic (The mostly green hair of her basic clashes with her skintone in my opinion). She's actually getting less rare on the shelves (at least in my area. I've seen 3 different ones at one Wal-Mart). I know I'm gonna pick her up soon, I'm just picky with their decals. There's also the Make a Splash Venus in the bathing suit. I haven't actually seen her in stores yet (Just Lagoona and Draculaura), but that line is just now hitting shelves, so more should be popping up over the next couple of weeks.
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Re: Husband of the Monster

Postby magkelly » Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:07 pm

I like the swimsuit Venus from what I have seen of her or maybe I'll get the music festival one. I like those better than the other ones though, for sure. But I haven't seen anything but original Venus here and that was only once at Target a long while back. I'll probably have to order her online eventually. As for the cats they will all end up redressed here. I'm not into the cheer leading or comic outfits really. I kind of like the cheer leading shoes but that's about it. I keep seeing these little dresses with tiny black cats on Tori in pics on Flickr. I love that. I want to check around and see if I can find some of that material.
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