KatyaR wrote:Why did we not get a Clawd like this to begin with!? He looks amazing!
Wish I had a suggestion on a replacement body, but I've been digging around for skintone matches myself to no avail.
Thanks, KatyaR! We kinda know about what body we want, just haven't went shopping yet.
Kd_Bunchanumbers wrote:So what should I do? I’m really tempted to repaint but her face up is perfect and I know theres a lack of Wave 1 Cleos but she’s so… baity I wanna customize her…
I say go for it too, KD! I'm with DollyKim, I chose one "Basic" sculpt of each character and then they get their other versions outfits (I'm a one doll per character collector with an obsession for clothes). In my opinion, what really makes a "Basic" is the outfit, not so much the make-up and hairstyle (unless it's vastly different like Cleo's Skull Shores short hairdo). My Cleo is the School's Out release, currently in her Picture Day outfit. I have no intention of replacing her with a Basic version, but boy I sure want the outfit! That and the first Maul fashion pack... Though I'm not paying $50 on eBay a piece for them second hand!
KatyaR wrote:Please do, I'm curious about their level of articulation. They aren't at my local DG yet.
I've seen these. I think they probably only have about 5 points of articulation, like cheap Barbies, knock-offs, and old Jenny bodies. I haven't looked at them closely, though (The only reason I noticed them is because they were sitting on the shelf right above the Monsters. It's where I found I finally found my Music Festival Venus).
Jany wrote:I'm really being a noob here, but who's the girl next to Cleo?
I think she was a Cleo (repainted beautifully I might add), with the Gorgon CAM girl's hair-cap. Correct me if I'm wrong, though!