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Monster Mash

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Monster Mash

Postby magkelly » Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:21 am

I would do Operetta in a heartbeat if I could find her at something approaching a real price and FYI, I don't even have one MH doll as yet. I saw a pic of her today and I just totally fell for her. But I won't pay scalper prices for a $20 doll and I never see anything but the basics dolls on the shelf here, ever. We must have a huge group of people collecting them where I live. You never see anything but those few basics. It's usually the same 3 or 4 characters and that's it. When I do see them it's on CL going for $35-65 a pop. It's crazy.

I like the skeleton doll and what's her name, Toralei (?) too, but I'm more likely to win the lotto than I am to find any of them at the stores here. That's one of the reasons I've never gotten too into grabbing them. I don't want to get into collecting them if it's going to cost me $50 a pop just to grab a few. The only dolls I ever see are basic Ghoulia, Cleo, and the odd Lagoona. Once a while a pack with a boy and Cleo or a Draculaura, usually with messed up hair and that's it though.

I actually saw a $12 Ghoulia with the cutest retro bangs at Target and liked her very much but they only had two left and both of them were messed up in the box which I guess is why they were still there. That's the other problem, most of the dolls I see in the stores here are the damaged ones. You hardly ever see a doll that doesn't have serious paint issues, broken limbs or whatnot for sale. Paying $12-20 for them is gruesome enough, but paying that for a damaged doll? That I just can't make myself do.

I'm never going to be a MH collector at this rate..... ;(
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby MitisFeles » Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:36 am

Awww, now I want even more badly the Werewolf/Dragon create a monster set T_T It stimulates my "do it youself" crazyness gene that usually new dolls inibites...But in Italy we still not have all the characters, so I seriously doubt to see CAM sets on the shops shelves soon...
Operetta seems to me a little overloaded with details, like Cupid, but I really like the "concept" behind the doll, even if at this time Spectra is the one I'll more likely buy on two feet. But as said previously MH are really hard to find here -_-
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:48 am

Alopecia No Hime wrote:Love your new girl Lamia-chan!

>_< Thanks! She's pretty loveable. ;)

I still want to get Spectra but I never see her in stores anywhere and she's going for ridiculous prices on ebay. (Not as bad as the newest girls, but still...)
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby BlackDragoon » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:25 pm

I... finally gave in. I didn't much like them at first but when all the customs started showing up I realized that wonderful things can be done with these sculpts and I really like the stylized body. I was at the walmart in my grandparents tiny town and decided to browse around while my mom was picking up other things. I saw the individual kits to make your own monsters and then after some scrounging around found the wolf and dragon kit.

I can't wait to get to painting them :)
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby delbelcoure » Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:10 am

Yeah, they sucked me in too. Welcome to the club :) I caved once I figured out how I wanted to redress them.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby OkamiKodomo » Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:00 pm

Totally bought a nude Clawd on ebay just now. He's the Sweet 1600 version, so he's got the jointed wrists. I need to get my hands on a Clawdeen so I can head-swap them XD My friend bought the Dragon/Werewolf create a monster set today. So insanely jealous.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby KatyaR » Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:11 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote:Totally bought a nude Clawd on ebay just now. He's the Sweet 1600 version, so he's got the jointed wrists. I need to get my hands on a Clawdeen so I can head-swap them XD My friend bought the Dragon/Werewolf create a monster set today. So insanely jealous.

Oooo, congratulations on the Clawd. That gives me hope. :) Our 'Mart is slowly putting their toy section back together- actually some CAM sets on the shelf, Draculaura's car, and Cleo's marvelous vanity. A couple of Skull Shores (finally an Abbey on the shelf here, yay!) and a few classroom Lagoonas are it as far as dolls.
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby OkamiKodomo » Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:20 pm

I managed to nab him for $15+5 ship, and I'm crossing my fingers on the Clawdeens I'm bidding on.

EDIT and I got a Gloom Beach Clawdeen. Wewt. I may try to stick one of the CAM heads on the body after I stick her head on Clawd's body, but I'll have to paint the head to match. Or I may just put the body up for sale. XD
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Re: Monster Mash

Postby DollyKim » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:11 pm

Operetta http://dolfielittles.typepad.com/blog/2 ... house.html Love her style and her stuff, love her more if the hair was a shade darker like her box. Trying to keep some of the others from mugging her.

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Re: Monster Mash

Postby OkamiKodomo » Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:48 pm

She is pretty darn stunning, DK! Can't wait for my monsters to get here. My Clawdeen shipped out today, she could be here as early as tomorrow, or as late as Feb 2nd. Clawd hasn't shipped yet.

EDIT: Does anyone know what these suckers' wig sizes are?
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