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Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:01 pm
by Pleasesaveheart
So as the title says I'm making Vegeta from Dragonball Z. And his head is just...pointy and large and pretty damn noble for a prince.



Sorry I love this picture too much and it shows how friggin weird this dude's head is.

What kind of sculpt would work, for a 1/6th action figure? I was looking at Obitsu but anyone have a better idea? Haha :lol:

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:18 am
by Faydreams
I always thought this one looked like him with smaller eyes and no hair. ... D-M01W.jpg

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:44 pm
by Pleasesaveheart
That's the problem. that head is really narrow, not wide. And his nose is really pointy, it could probably cut glass. I'm going to use an anime head and sand it into shape. It's big enough and unrealistic enough.
Gaw! Vegeta you're impossible. 8-) :lol:

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:05 pm
by MeltedCaramel
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I have a suggestion? ^^ Have you ever thought of using the Medicom RAH Goku as a base? Since it sounds like you're going to need to be doing some major sculpting/sanding work anyway, buying a Goku might save you some frustration, and the body would be exactly like Vegeta's as well (well, okay, passable from the same series, better than your average 1/6 body!).

On Yahoo!Auctions right now they have the incredibly rare Super Saiyan version of Goku up for sale for 15,800yen (about $158). (Ignore the "Jauce" link, that's the site I use to surf Y!J, but if you want to buy from Y!J use the proxy service "FromJapan".)

They also have an AMAZING deal on the regular Goku at 6000yen ($60), which is just a little more than what you'd end up paying for a body from another company.

Both have bodies that would work perfectly and heads that mainly need the hair sculpted and a head repaint, but you would have yourself a very realistic (to the show) looking Vegeta!

Just a suggestion! :D

Edit: Actually someone over at FigureRealm did something a little bit similar. Personally I would custom make that armour or cut it to fit the Medicom version better, but he's definitely on the right track! ;) ... ?FID=34316

EDIT AGAIN: Okay so apparently the regular Goku has some rubber parts that fry after awhile, so you might want to spring for the Super Saiyan one or perhaps see if this ebay buyer here: ... 1012221531
Is still selling this official replacement body made of full plastic.

That is, of course, if any of this kind of customizing interests you at all. XD;

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:22 pm
by MeltedCaramel
Oh, also, apparently Irwin toys made a 12'' Vegeta?


It sounds like it's kind of rare (you might have more luck on Y!J or something, not sure) and I'm not sure if you would consider that sculpt as DBZ accurate as the Medicom Goku one, but there is this guy out there! ^^ Plus you could always mug him for clothes. 8-) Just thought I would be thorough here, so no one says I'm not trying. :lol:

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:25 am
by Pleasesaveheart
Ha! It's not everyday you hear someone tell you to mug a prince for his clothing! I started on the original anime head from Obitsu and I had to sand it so much! Bulma was so much easier to make haha.

He looks like the bride of Frankenstein right now, but those will be painted, I just have to keep modding his head. I accidentally slipped with my exacto knife too. So he's missing a chunk of his jaw. I was going to use my paperclay to smooth it out, but I'm not sure how to make the skin color of Obitsu white.
He's still a work in progress and his body is on transit from China. KGhobby takes a bit. What would you guys mix to make it teh same color?

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:42 pm
by MeltedCaramel
Pleasesaveheart wrote:Ha! It's not everyday you hear someone tell you to mug a prince for his clothing! I started on the original anime head from Obitsu and I had to sand it so much! Bulma was so much easier to make haha.

He looks like the bride of Frankenstein right now, but those will be painted, I just have to keep modding his head. I accidentally slipped with my exacto knife too. So he's missing a chunk of his jaw. I was going to use my paperclay to smooth it out, but I'm not sure how to make the skin color of Obitsu white.
He's still a work in progress and his body is on transit from China. KGhobby takes a bit. What would you guys mix to make it teh same color?

Haha, in dolls nothing is sacred. Right now due to an extreme costume malfunction I need to glue a costume to the doll. (It's...a really, really skimpy outfit and the character has large breasts so the Obitsu large bust keeps popping out of the outfit no matter what I do. I don't feel like dealing with the impermanence of double sided tape OR fishing twine to make an unreliable tie to keep it closed. I'm just buying an extra body for if I ever feel like...I don't know, posing her naked? :? Probably not. This is very much a character custom.)

What Obitsu head did you start out with? :) I'm so curious, you did such an amazing job I can't tell!!

Oh, you made Bulma!?! Will you show us (ME)!?! My sister would maul you to get ahold of that Vegeta. :lol: She adores him. AS FOR PAINTING AND SCULPTING:
For sculpting I can't recommend Aves Fixit Sculpt more. It sticks to everything and dries as hard as a rock and can be sanded down into the hardest, most smooth point you can think of (as a sculpted Vegeta nose could really cut glass! :lol: ). It comes in both white and the normal grey (the normal grey is cheapest though, buy it from the Aves website). You may want to go over the paperclay hair with it too, as it will give a smoother final appearance. :D

Now here comes the kind of "ehhhhh" part. I recommend testors acrylic paints, just buy a light fleshtone and a white and you'll be able to colour match pretty damn close, but you won't be able to match exactly, so if you're a perfectionist I would do a facewipe and basecoat his entire head in the colour you mixed before doing his faceup again. But if you're not a perfectionist with issues (like me :lol: ) with just two testors colours you could pretty much get a 95% match in colour.

I hope that helps a bit? :)

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:16 am
by Pleasesaveheart
Vegeta is an obitsu anime head ( ... S/W-04.jpg)! And I'll look into the other clay, but I'll proably just use paperclay until then. I just want to finish the bastard! So testors in flesh and white. I'm a perfectionist at points but mostly if it looks like them and I'm happy, well I'll stop there. I'll probably do it again in the future anyway, make a new Vegeta and Bulma and maybe Trunks and Bulla! But until then I'm going to have them together atleast.


Here's Bulma, she is the normal Obitsu W04 head in pale and Vegeta is literally the same head. But sanded down and modified.


I'd show more of Bulma but I'm afraid I'd rather not have a very protective super saiyan go ape on me. Haha ;)

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:47 pm
by MeltedCaramel
Pleasesaveheart wrote:Vegeta is an obitsu anime head ( ... S/W-04.jpg)! And I'll look into the other clay, but I'll proably just use paperclay until then. I just want to finish the bastard! So testors in flesh and white. I'm a perfectionist at points but mostly if it looks like them and I'm happy, well I'll stop there. I'll probably do it again in the future anyway, make a new Vegeta and Bulma and maybe Trunks and Bulla! But until then I'm going to have them together atleast.


Here's Bulma, she is the normal Obitsu W04 head in pale and Vegeta is literally the same head. But sanded down and modified.


I'd show more of Bulma but I'm afraid I'd rather not have a very protective super saiyan go ape on me. Haha ;)

Oh wow!! They both look awesome!! :D Are you going to post pictures when they're finished? (I take it they don't own clothes yet? :lol: My customs always seem to get their clothes first and then languish in what I jokingly call "Headless Hell" for awhile because I start rooting/painting/whatever and then my injuries act up and I'm like "Well fuck this." for another month or two! :lol: )

The Aves Fixit sculpt is what a lot of people use for extremely small, intricate details. It's a little less "sticky" than its cousin Aves Apoxie sculpt (yeah I hate that shit) and it dries hard as a rock, and you can sand/carve into it all you like so it's pretty amazing stuff. ;) It's expensive (I think I paid like $12 for 1/4 lb.) but it's worth it for those irritatingly complex little details. In fact I daresay you could mould Vegeta's armour out of the stuff! It's perfect to mould out, let a layer dry, and then sculpt on top of with more. It's also a favourite amongst those of us who also like to customize action figures. :)

As for Testors, yep, flesh and white! Here's links in Amazon: ... s+Acrylics ... s+Acrylics
The Random Tan is better than their "Warm tint flesh" colour because of how extremely light the Obitsu skin tones are. You'll probably find yourself using more white than random tan anyway! But these two will produce the best, closest result! :D

Re: Vegeeeeeeeeeeeeeeta...what head sculpt are you?!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:07 pm
by Pleasesaveheart
Yeah no clothes for either! Bulma has a dress in pin stage and I'm not quite sure if I like the...'dress' pattern. It looks like a hospital gown! Haha and yeah Vegeta may have a slight problem with her boobs online~!
I'll check out the testors. Can I use just normal acrilyic white?