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Twilight Mattel Dolls skintone match help?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:30 am
by SetsunaKou
After remaking a Prince Phillip Disney Store doll yesterday with the Ken Fashionista body (he actually came out really well, is so much taller and I gave him a new faceup so that he can almost actually look like Phillip from the movie now!), I've decided to go ahead and swap out some of the other Disney Princes for the taller Mattel Fashionista bodies but need a more muscular one for Kristoff.

I saw that the 'Twilight Saga' Emmett and Jacob dolls have the body type but not sure which one I should get that will match the skintone of the Disney Store doll head best. (Or does anyone know if Mattel made this exact body with at least jointed arms for any other doll?)

Kristoff's head is sort of an Obitsu or Volks NS skintone match.

So, would the Emmett PALE Mattel skintone or the Jacob (Normal or Tan--I can't tell from photos) Mattel skintone match better?

I'm thinking the Emmett pale it super stark white? Or is it more of a pale NS like Obitsu and Volks use?

Thanks for any help in advance!

Re: Twilight Mattel Dolls skintone match help?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:16 pm
by Kd_Bunchanumbers
The Twilight Emmett matches Obitsu white while Jacob matches Fashionista Nikki so neither one matches the body well enough.

Re: Twilight Mattel Dolls skintone match help?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:08 am
by SetsunaKou
Thanks for the info, Kd-san!!


I think I'll go with Jacob's body then---I don't want Kristoff tooo pale!!
