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My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:26 pm
by claws
I finally, finally finished the face-ups on everybody (after, like, months).

Group shot.


Our heroes. (especially the three in the foreground...)


And the villains. }:)


Claw (his hat has a pom-pom on top, though you can't see it here. He wears it all the time)


Miss December (with her Forever Virginia glasses...I love them. X} )


Hyde, in his human form (Hyde is supposed a centaur...maybe that's why he looks so...moody now :( )


Claw's evil older brother, Fang. I didn't intend to paint his face so wicked-looking, but there you are.


Fang's right-hand man...wants me to guess his name. If he keeps messing with me, I'm calling him "Ginger"...


The third member of Fang's crew. She's a Goth girl who doesn't talk I don't know her name, either. I don't think it shows here, but I sealed some glitter around her eyes. ^_^


And Eric and Kinley, who have taken it upon themselves to be the king and queen of everybody. Well, they were here first... 8-)


Soon, I'll be posting photostories. And I promised Claw he could have his own thread there...guys, just remember; I warned you. :mrgreen:

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:39 pm
by Geektopian
Whoa, very nice work! You done a great job on all of them although I especially like the goth girl 'cuz that's just how I roll! :D

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:09 am
by Dark Angel
They look awesome!! I can't wait to see more!

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:03 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
Nice job on your heroes and villians love the way you blush them. Miss December has lovely eyes and my 1/6 ladies says that Hyde is very cute (especially with that hair)

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:29 am
by maywong
I really like your face ups on all your dolls. Are you going to do a photostory with them?

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:01 pm
by claws
@Mlatch221: Thank you! She was supposed to be punk, but after I rooted her purple streaks, cut her hair and painted her...she kinda lost that attitude. XP

@Dark Angel: Thanks so much! I plan on posting a lot of stupid things with these guys, so you might get sick of them... :mrgreen:

@Iwa_Hoshi: Thank you! would not believe how much Hyde is blushing right now. Claw is never gonna leave him alone about this.... :mrgreen:

@maywong: Yep! As soon as I can get some time. It's gonna be nuts. X}

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:26 pm
by Eseme
I LOVE the goth girl. What head and body is she? That sculpt is wonderfully expressive, and your faceup just really rocks.

They all have a lot of style.

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:22 pm
by claws
@Eseme: Sorry it took me so long to reply! She's a fleshtone normal bust with an 02 head (my favorite head for girls...Miss December has the same one) Thank you very much! X}

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 3:16 am
by Hippolyta
Hyde makes me really miss a head I sent off for a face up in July... T___T Not done yet but I had rooted his hair in a similar colour and style. I hope my guy turns out half as good as yours! Your crew all have really distinctive looks and I like them a lot. Hope you post more about their antics.

Re: My Crew [image heavy]

PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:52 pm
by claws
@Hippolyta: Ooh, when you get him back, I hope you'll post some pictures; I see lots of great hairstyles on the guys around here, but so few short & spiky-type hairstyles.
Thanks so much! I just need some free time, but I've got lots of plans for these guys, and I'll be posting for sure. XD