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That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' Feet

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:04 pm
by Kattriella
Anyone who owns a Color Infusion or Gem and the Holograms doll by Integrity Toys probably knows this struggle. What shoes fit their feet?

Most fashion dolls share Barbie's dainty digits, but compared to Barbie, these girls have the feet of Sasquatch. In reality, their feet are actually well proportioned to their bodies. However, finding them shoes can be . . . difficult.

I know for certain that Stardoll shoes, a line created briefly by Mattel, will fit them quite well. My girl Sybela wears them all the time. I also found a pair of shoes on eBay that was made for Tonner dolls. They're big on her, but they're closed in so you can't really tell. To my knowledge, some Monster High and Winx Club shoes fit, but they're usually a little out there in design. So, I'm putting out the call to my fellow doll lovers. Has anyone else found shoes, whether name brand or from an online shop, that fit these gals? Sybela would like to have more than just boots and sandals to wear . . .

Re: That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' F

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:19 am
by maywong
I have the FR boys and 2 Poppy dolls. So I can't answer that question. They do sell the shoes separately on eBay for those dolls.

Re: That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' F

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 7:45 am
by Kattriella
maywong wrote:I have the FR boys and 2 Poppy dolls. So I can't answer that question. They do sell the shoes separately on eBay for those dolls.

I know, but it sometimes seems like the selection for them is limited . . . I've seen some shoes on eBay that are meant for a different brand that I'm going to get a pair and try out. I know it'll be hit or miss, but when they're under $5 from China, I can afford a few misses, usually, if it means finding SOMETHING to fit my girl.

Re: That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' F

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:17 am
by SetsunaKou
This might help but I'm not sure since I don't own any Color Infusion girls. I posted this for ebeth san a couple weeks ago and it might work for your girls too:

Does she have high heeled molded feet? Possibly the Hasbro 1/6 Princess playline dolls will have compatible shoes. They are pretty huge compared to regular 'Barbie' feet.


The shoe on the left is a Disney Store Elsa shoe---identical foot in size to regular tiny typical Barbie feet.
The shoe on the right is a Hasbro Elsa shoe----quite huge in comparison.
The Hasbro big shoe is still smaller than Tonner 16" doll shoes but larger than Monster High shoes.

The Princess dolls have a wide variety of ballet flats, ice heels, regular high heels, boots, etc. So if they do fit your girl, she would have a wide variety to choose from and the classic Hasbro Princess playline dolls are only about $8-9 at Amazon or WalMart. :)

If you are looking for a particular color or type of shoe, let me know and I'll tell you which Princess comes with what type of shoe.

Good luck!

Re: That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' F

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:59 am
by Kattriella
I think I read somewhere that the Disney Princess doll shoes don't quite fit . . . I might see about grabbing a doll on sale to check, but I think I distinctly remember someone saying they don't . . . If I prove them wrong, though, sanding and painting could change them into pretty much anything I would want.

Re: That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' F

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:55 pm
by Kukolka
Here are some more shoe options for Jem/Color Infusion ladies. ... _c_91.html

Re: That Ever Present Question About Color Infusion Girls' F

PostPosted: Thu Oct 05, 2017 8:05 pm
by Kattriella
Kukolka wrote:Here are some more shoe options for Jem/Color Infusion ladies. ... _c_91.html

I've seen that site! And unfortunately, so has Sybela . . . She's already demanded that I buy her one of each style, preferably one in each color . . . I'm just like, "Can I at least order your brother's hair first so you'll match?! PLEASE?!" But then her brother Shailoh caught me on eBay and began demanding new clothes, or at least pants that fit. AND he still wants his hair. How did the male twin turn out to be the diva of the family?!