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Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 8:10 pm
by Kattriella
I have plans for a custom doll that I want to be as fair as possible, but I want her to have an articulated body, of at all possible. The vampire dolls by Mattel from the Twilight Saga are around the skintone I'd like to use, but I can't find an articulated body in that skintone. Does anyone know of a doll, by any company, of comparable size that would work, or be close enough to work? Price isn't too much of an issue, as I'm along to save up money for this particular custom, assuming I can find a doll to use for her.

Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:25 am
by DollyKim
The lightest I have are Obitsu white and a blonde Ever After High.

Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 4:15 pm
by SetsunaKou
Kattriella wrote:I have plans for a custom doll that I want to be as fair as possible, but I want her to have an articulated body, of at all possible. The vampire dolls by Mattel from the Twilight Saga are around the skintone I'd like to use, but I can't find an articulated body in that skintone. Does anyone know of a doll, by any company, of comparable size that would work, or be close enough to work? Price isn't too much of an issue, as I'm along to save up money for this particular custom, assuming I can find a doll to use for her.

Dollykim-san is right---Obitsu White skin is super pale but they are slightly smaller and thinner than most 'Barbie' bodies. (IE. The shoulder span is so thin that it looks a bit odd with Barbie heads on them. Some are okay but most are way too big.) Volks also had a WS body but they've been discontinued since 2010, though they sometimes pop up on eBay.

Not sure how articulated you want but Disney Store ELSA and ANNA dolls are pretty pale. Especially Elsa, though she's got a slight purplish/pinkish tint to her paleness. Anna is more a normal pale but Elsa looks paler.
If you buy the Frozen Disney Store dolls from 2015-2016, they have jointed knees, ankles, wrists, elbows as well as the usual arm/leg/head swivels/joints.
If you buy the Frozen Disney Store dolls from 2013-14 and 2017-18, they discarded the jointed knees and ankles for the regular 'click knee' rubbery legs. (And the 2017-2018 dolls have flat footed rubbery 'click knee' legs.)

Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:24 am
by Kattriella
I think I'll try to find one of the articulated Elsas. The doll I'm planning is still a long way off, so I'm more concerned with making sure she has a body than anything else.

Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:48 am
by maywong
A pale CG/CY or Triad body might work. Both are quite pale looking. I don't have either one body in that color but you can find them on eBay.
Both of the bodies will work with a Barbie head. The Triad body you will have to do some mods on the head to get it to fit the body.

Here is a Barbie head on a AA Triad body.

Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:47 am
by Tasuke
SetsunaKou wrote:Dollykim-san is right---Obitsu White skin is super pale but they are slightly smaller and thinner than most 'Barbie' bodies. (IE. The shoulder span is so thin that it looks a bit odd with Barbie heads on them. Some are okay but most are way too big.)

indeed, differences between the OBITSU and BARBIE bodies are quite marked;



Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:53 am
by maywong
Have you tried a Xinyi body? They came out with a new body style, with more joints. ... SwvAda1wWf

Here is a review on them with the older body. ... xinyi.html

Re: Articulated Body for Twilight Vampire Barbie?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:16 am
by DollyKim
The skin tone might compare to Obitsu white, I have some guys by what I guess to be the same maker and they're close to Obitsu normal.

A bit of searching might turn up a better price. The arm and leg articulation is okay, kind of like a jointed Barbie, they can sit normally, but my guys look like they have a waist joint and it's either stuck or just doesn't work.