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Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this, eh?)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:57 am
by Kd_Bunchanumbers
Okies so my workplace is next to a Fleamarket so on mah breaks I go around and scour for dolls. Most days they have nothing except naked Bratz that cost too much for naked, ratty haired dolls but yet I keep looking. And then I found these dolls for 2 bucks each. SCORE. I figure $10 was enough just for the 1975 Ballerina doll but heck, I'm not complaining.

Shave and Style Ken had wrists and rooted hair. Big deal for a vintage boy doll who usually had neither. Course I boil permed his hair and stuck him on a Max Steel body.

I must admit I'm endeared by him. Whether it's that cheesy little grin or the hilariously cute hairstyle I find him cute. Course he's now a gym bunny who exercises purely for looks but he seems to be a computer nerd who remains shirtless. Expect shameless flirting between him and Luke.

A chunk is missing from his face but I think it adds character.

Hilda my battle damaged vintage repro... I think. She needs new lips and either an eyepatch or I attempt to repaint her eye.

Can anyone identify her? I really wanna see how she was in her pristine condition.

My Ballerina Barbie. She was in a better condition than Belinda but her hair was still a tad frizzy. I could not style her hair back to pristine shape so I just slapped it into a high bun. Also stuck her on a Hollywood nails body...

Still frizz-tastic. Also I need a pale fashionista for her.



And a group shot of my vintage dolls.
LR, Back row: Derek, Dusty, Vintagey Barbs, Wedding Day Giftset Ken Repro, Malibu Barbie Repro, Kenner Luke Skywalker, 1976 European Barbie with Steffie mold, Vintage GI Joe, Rerooted Birthstone Barbie Diamond, Dream Date Ken
Middle: Bopsy (Rockers Barbie or something), Some Superstar Barbie lol, Wedding Day Giftset Barbie repro, Shave and Style Ken, Nano Haruka, Ballerina Barbie 1975, Repainted 1980's Steffie, TnT Barbie repro, Ballerina Barbie 1975
Front?: Western Ken, Some skipper with boobs.

The Baddies. In my story they are a pop band called "The Baddies" who usually try to take control of the music industry with the uses of autotune and blatant merchandising. They usually bug the main group due to their ridiculous songs and transformation sequences. (Lol, inspired by bad 80's cartoons)
The Sleazy looking Ken is their manager.

These guys. They usually do bad things like kidnap My Little Ponies or harvest smurfs for pies or something. Incredibly glamorous and sophisticated they strive to be uber rich bitches. Poor Kensington is their manservant.

Side characters. They will pop up when Retro Girl squad needs a plot device.
And my trans-dimensional retro girl squad who will get caught in campy situations and have lol-tastic adventures.

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:32 am
by DollyKim
Who said over the top transformations were bad? You owe the world this story! The more ridiculous, the bigger the plot holes the better! And nothing tops wacky adventures like a song at the end.

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:32 am
by Tira-chan
This is an awesome idea for a series. I wish it was on TV so I could watch the heck out of it.

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:45 am
by Geektopian
John, is that Shave and Style Ken's stock body? Looks like they re-used one of the Max Steel molds. Anyway, he looks perfect to play a vapid gym bunny.

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:10 pm
by Mary Kathryn
I totally had that S&S Ken as a kid. He was awesome. :p

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:41 pm
by Dark Angel
Kd_Bunchanumbers wrote:
Shave and Style Ken had wrists and rooted hair.

A chunk is missing from his face but I think it adds character.


Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:38 pm
by claws
I love your dolls!! That Ballerina Barbie is so gorgeous...she looks a little uptight (though, being the perpetual bum that I am, I often mistake elegance for uptightness...XD ) but it really suits her (especially considering the era she's from...I'm thinking all Love Story Ali McGraw if she'd been a competitive ballet dancer) And your "new" Ken is dorkishly adorable. You know that little battle scar has a cool he was lifting weights at the gym once, and there was this kid who was trying to bench too much at once without a spotter, so Ken rushed over and tried to lift the weight off the poor kid's chest, when the kid suddenly gets this adrenaline boost and accidentally slams the bar right into poor Ken's chiseled chin...
I thought about this a little bit. XD

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:29 pm
by embyquinn
Your vintage Barbie looks like a #6 or #7 Ponytail, produced from 1962 to 1966. It's hard to tell just from photos, but if you look at her butt, it should have the following markings:

Midge T.M.
(c) 1962
Mattel, Inc.
(In 1964 added the word "Patented")

If I'm right about your girl Hilda, she would have looked something like this when brand new: ... -Doll.html

I hope this is of some help.

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:34 am
by Kd_Bunchanumbers
You mean like this on her butt?

It has patented on the last line lol.

Thanks. This prolly means I shaln't completely repaint her xD

Dollykim, I would continue but exaaaaaaaaaaams. When Aussie Summer Holidays plop up I'm sure I'll be pumping them out faster lol.

Tira Chan, haha I blame TV for my skewered way of writing xD

Mlatch, nah, it's a body swap. His old body has clicky arms, like Barbie legs. I decided to swap the body as his waist was strung with crappy, loose elastic D:

Mary Kathryn, he is awesome.

Claws, she would be elegant if her eyes weren't kinda derpy looking :lol: Belinda is the same base doll yet she doesn't suffer cock eye xD

Haha I always assumed it was a shaving accident he recieved his scars due to impatience xD

Re: Some more vintage dolls...(You're getting sick of this,

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:13 pm
by embyquinn
@kd: Look on the bright side--you thought Hilda was just a repro, but she's the real deal! Even with her, ah, special needs, she's still quite the find!