I only have two bodies at the moment, volks EB minis, I'm going to upgrade to WS obitsus soon. The elbows on the dollfies make me mad. lol Well, here are some faces that I've painted! : )
oh and forgive my messy wigs, they've been in storage for a long long time so they need to be re-styled and heated. And also forgive the heads not matching the bodies. >___>
she/he is a volks slim male default. She looks really neat as a girl and she needs a Mana-esque wig!
dollfie plus 03 I think
...and I don't have any boy clothes or wigs.. obitsu W02
and my lovely nano-Haruka <3 She's permanant. The others are just projects. : )
I wanted to try something different. I hadn't seen one that was winking.
I kind of like doing the big anime chibi eyes better.