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want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:53 am
by kittyasauras
One of my husbands absolute favorite shows is the DragonBall series. While his favorite character is Bardock. The Bardock figures are verrrrry expensive on ebay, so I thought I could make him one instead for his birthday. But I'm not all that sure how....

What material can I use to sculpt the hair? Will it pop off, because the head is squishy?
What muscley body can I use that can take an obitsu anime head (or similar)?

I'm also thinking about the bodies.... At least one that isn't stick slim, but one that isn't exaggerated as the show would be good, I suppose.

Any ideas?

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:57 am
by Alopecia No Hime
Maybe a Volks Neo Goh?

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:13 am
by DollyKim
Volks are getting hard to find and they are somewhat fragile. Avoid Medicom as well.

I would suggest a BBI, Barack Sergeant, Dragon/DML, Dragon in Dreams, Hasbro/GI Joe, Obitsu regular male, Power Team Elite, Sideshow, or Triad for a base doll. My web site can be a big help They have solid heads which you can put Apoxie Sculpt on, it will stick on to the head and you have about an hour to work with it. You can work in stages if you need, it can be carved, drilled, sanded, and painted when set.

As for finding them, except for the Obitsu at Junky Spot, you can get nude bodies on Ebay,, and for a start. Power Team Elite shows up at discount stores around holiday time and have great stuff.

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:22 am
by kittyasauras
I feel very manly looking at the tough rough men on ebay. xD

As I am looking around at the bbi bodies, some seem paler than others. Would the lighter skinned ones match normal obitsu? The darker skin ones, seem too tan for obitsu heads.

You guys are so awesome and amazing, like a spout of abundant knowledge.

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:38 pm
by DollyKim
Skin tones will vary and in general most of these guys are darker than Obitsu. If you want an Obitsu color go with him. They don't have "normal" and "white", its common enough for heads and bodies to be mismatched on a boxed figure. You can paint a solid head to match.

Looking at some of my fellows the Sideshow is one idea of caucasian, the PTEs are darker, the BBI more olive, the Joes are more orange.

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:31 pm
by durianbom
If you are looking for a volks goh body you could look on the volks website------
They should have them I think. The skin tones look a little odde though...

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:23 am
by DollyKim
I have both skin tones, the natural matches Volks normal and Obitsu normal, the Guy color is a darker orangish tan that is hard to match. They're lovely bodies but not as tough as some of the others I mentioned. They can pose for fights but I wouldn't recommend them kicking each other. Anyone interested in a Volks doll should get one but they aren't meant for very active play.

As for my website I own all the dolls on there, except for dolls at the Volks Tea, and know who to treat with kid gloves and who you can hit people with.

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:15 am
by kittyasauras
ended up getting this body! ... ode=retail

We'll see how this goes! :3

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:25 am
by DollyKim
I'm curious too, the Triads I have good but I don't have one of him.

Re: want to make a DBZ character...LOL

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:12 am
by kittyasauras
Okay, got him in the mail! The Caucasian color is very close to NS volks/obitsu. It's just that the body is a lot larger so the heads don't look right when put on the body. Looks like I'll be sculpting a head. :3 It's okay though, this will be a fun project.