Feng got "sunburn" D:
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:05 pm
Yeah that picture is just for your veiwing pleasure even though it does point out some places of staining...
Yeah. Feng got some bad staining. It was that wretched loli dress she was wearing! I even color fasted it because I knew if I didn't it would stain badly but it still stained...badly. She is trying to undergo treatment , the usual acne cream in sunlight technique, but here where I live, even though it is summer there are like NO full days of pure sunlight. There are days when I see some sunlight, rip off Feng's clothes and put her right in the sun, but then the clouds cover it right up. Don't get me wrong, I HATE the heat. I like the place I live and I love all the cool rain, but for Feng's sake it isn't too good. Is there any way the treatment can take full effect INside? If it helps, she has red staining on her lower abdomen and a little under her boobs (she has really big boobs ). She has black/gray staining on her armpits.