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Pixy head on 23cm Obitsu male?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:10 am
by Lamia of the Dark
Would it work? Or would it look strange?

My little one is going to be a demon child...

Re: Pixy head on 23cm Obitsu male?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:11 pm
by zirconmermaid
It should work fine, I think he would look good! I have a Noi de Rome head on one and he's darling.

Re: Pixy head on 23cm Obitsu male?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:04 pm
by Lamia of the Dark
zirconmermaid wrote:It should work fine, I think he would look good! I have a Noi de Rome head on one and he's darling.

What's a Noi de Rome head?

Re: Pixy head on 23cm Obitsu male?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:04 pm
by Pandor
Noix de Rome is another doll company like Obitsu, although they no longer make dolls.
This is the head Zirconmermaid is referring to:
(excuse the face-up, I don't think I have any pics of it blank anymore. :/ )

(and on a 23 male body)