4-5 inch wig help?
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:09 pm
Okay so I fell in love with a 3-4 size inch wig for Riven but I realize it might be too small especially after double checking on Parabox as he's the parabox muffin head...
I hate the 4-5 inch wigs on Junkyspot from Glib they look so...Odd to me and not fitting...Anyone know a great place on Ebay or other sites besides Mimiwoo to find a wig in that size with an almost red wine color to it?
I would be super appriciative as now I'm crunching down on getting Riven finished.
I hate the 4-5 inch wigs on Junkyspot from Glib they look so...Odd to me and not fitting...Anyone know a great place on Ebay or other sites besides Mimiwoo to find a wig in that size with an almost red wine color to it?
I would be super appriciative as now I'm crunching down on getting Riven finished.