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female Rosiel O__O

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

female Rosiel O__O

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:17 pm



:lol: He's chilling on the body that was formerly Anya, until I manage to get ahold of a new Obitsu slim male body for him.

<.< Anya's old head will be used for faceup practice :mrgreen: (I plan to get a different head for the next inhabitant of that body...)
I have so many dolls that I can't fit all their names in my signature anymore. @__@
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Lamia of the Dark
BD - Bachelors in Dollology
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