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So Confused! (character help)
Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:49 pm
by Gift_in_Edge
So I finally got a head for my Obitsu Slim and I love it. Unfortunately I have no idea what have him made into. At first I thought it would be Tron but now my current fandoms have changed. (The Dark Knight Rises right now.)
So should I make him into something orginal or try for another favorite character?
The head I picked. (Plan on taking a pic of head and body together later.)
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:06 pm
by Llwynog
If you change fandoms frequently go with an original character. But if you have characters you always go back to consider doing them.
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Sun Aug 26, 2012 5:09 am
by Iwa_Hoshi
Either the most dominant character of the original characters that reside in your headspace or a fave character from your most dominant fandom (the one that you always go back to after a few rounds of hot fandom of the moment)
But if you can't 'see' said character in the sculpt yet, just leave it alone until current influence of fandom of the moment goes away.
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:59 am
by Siead
no, wait, do a tron suited batman! cuz you know that would look really epic.....
but really, i agree with iwa_hoshi. slide him aside till you find inspiration.
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:26 am
by Llwynog
Huzzah for fan crossovers.
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:11 am
by DollyKim
What about making him an OC with a hair and eye color that would allow him to cosplay as different characters? One day he's Batman, the next Tron.
My Rian is an OC but he's played Young Sherlock Holmes and the Greatest American Hero because he has blond curls. Eventually I made a Nicholas Rowe/Sherlock but if I catch Ralph fever again I have the suit and he's ready to try and fly.
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:25 am
by Gift_in_Edge
Here's a picture of him altogether. Thanks for the help everyone! At least I know what hair he'll have now. A lot of my fav characters have short black hair for some reason. ;)
Re: So Confused! (character help)
Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:24 am
by DollyKim
I understand having a certain hair color or certain eye color for muse manifestations. Chris has no idea how many plastic children he has.