My first!
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:31 pm
Not only is Celia my first doll since I was 12 but she's my first face-up too! Well if we're being technical it's my third - first I used the incorrect sealer and she ended up all dewy, second she cracked really badly when I inserted her eyes (I thought it might have been the hair dryer that did it), and her current face is the third but it has cracked too (no hair dryer was used so can't be that) so I'm going to have to try again but for now I'm happy-ish with her I carved her eye holes a bit bigger and did some damage to her lips when I was scraping out some old face up (have a new head on the way), the photos are a little over processed, her lips are not this intense lol.
What do you think?
Celia 4 by Hello Angel Design, on Flickr
Celia 2 by Hello Angel Design, on Flickr
Celia 1 by Hello Angel Design, on Flickr
What do you think?
Celia 4 by Hello Angel Design, on Flickr
Celia 2 by Hello Angel Design, on Flickr
Celia 1 by Hello Angel Design, on Flickr