Skye Is Such a Little Diva
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:01 am
Skye (my Limhwa Do) has been feeling a bit lonely and neglected since her "twin" moved to a new home a few months ago. So to perk her up I got her some new clothing! The first outfit is from Ruby Red Galleria's In Motion collection - a pre-order (now in stock) through the Doll Peddler. The boots came with the outfit! The second one, Alice in blue, is from a professional seamstress on DOA named Essie and is full of awesome cuteness! Skye has a bit of a melancholy face-up, but I swear she's been smiling ever since getting her new clothes! I hope to get some outdoor photos of her with our camera this weekend (instead of my cell phone).