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You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:51 pm
by magkelly
I just won this J-girl: ... tx=5&ty=69 ... n+planning

and this J-girl: ... 335b45c9aa

for $27.... ... n+planning

I honestly didn't know what they were when I first saw them. I just liked them on sight and I thought they were some type of off brand Liv doll rip off, but then I got a look at the joints and I went "Wait a minute there!" Isn't that a BJD body like the Pullips? Sure enough when I looked them up it turned out they were kin to the Pullips in a way, and that they actually cost anywhere from $60 on up to $250 depending upon where you looked and what doll. I went back and bookmarked the auction and sat there like a spider waiting on a fly for 2 hours, waiting to see if anyone else would realize what these dolls were. There were several bids in but in the end $27 took them, and hot damn, I was thrilled.

Some sites say they qualify as BJD's but I doubt the DOA people think so since they're not made of resin, but I don't care. I think they're adorable. I watched a few videos on You Tube, read a few reviews it seems they may have crappy hair and they're a bit fragile. I may have to remove the hair and wig them and be very careful in how and where I display them but otherwise I think am going to like these little girls. I saw some posts about them here. But there wasn't much. Got more info, opinions, pics? I'd really like to hear more about them. I've never owned anything by Pullip before, and though they were technically debuted by someone else, Jun Planning they're in the Pullip family so that's kind of nice. :)

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 2:51 pm
by ShadowKat
That's such a great deal magkelly!
I found out about these girls about a month ago, and I fell in love with the one in blue you posted, but the reviews I read made me not want her. Please post lots of pics when they come! I want to find out more about them too!

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:40 pm
by Evelien
Congrats!! That is a great deal! AlmySidaKay used to have one and so did I. In the end I had trouble photographing her and bonding with her, but they definitely are very pretty girls. They come with the Pullip type 3-body, I think the newer ones come with the Pullip type 4-body.

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:59 pm
by Greyhaunt
Congrats on getting them. I have two of them myself, Charing Cross and....I forget the other one LOL.

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:54 pm
by richila
Congratulations on cute dolls and a great deal!

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:26 pm
by knittnkitten
man, I would have jumped on that too !

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:48 pm
by Stormlight
I have one. She's pretty, but I never did much with her. And they really are delicate. I never did anything but display her, but somehow her hand managed to snap off. I STILL have no idea how that happened. I hadn't touched her in months. And all I did then was remove her from the shelf so I could take a picture (I WAS actually planning to sell her). And the hand dropped right off her wrist. The wrist and joint actually broke, and it's not reparable that I'm aware of, so now she has no hand. I paid $100+ dollars for that thing, too. Needless to say, NOT impressed with the quality. That's probably why I won't waste money on Pullips, since they tend to run even MORE expensive and they're by the same company. I raided the doll for her outfit (about the only good thing about her), and now I have a naked, broken doll that I have no idea what to do with. I hate to just throw her out after spending all that money, but she's kind of useless to me now. :(

At least you got your dolls at a cheap price. So if one breaks you won't lose out on quite as much.

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:12 pm
by Nella
Congrats on such a great deal!

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:32 pm
by zirconmermaid
I think they are darling, I had one on layaway a few years back but ended up with a Goodreau Innuendo. Still not sure how that happened... Darn dolls! Still - I love their faces and outfits! I wonder if it would be possible to put them on an Obitsu body?

Re: You're not going to believe this....

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:55 am
by Lon
Holy crud! Congratulations on doing so well! They aren't as crazy popular as Pullips but cool regardless! And since they use the body, you'll be able to find clothing if you want to redress!

They aren't BJDs but it's not because of the plastic. The bodies use pegs and hinges insted of being strung together so balls move in sockets. There are some joints that happen to be ball-shaped but not in the "ball-jointed" sense. The construction is more like an action figure than a BJD. But, there's nothing WRONG with that. I will never understand people who figure if it's not a bee jay dee it's not worth having. ^^; An awsome doll is an awsome doll and I hope yours reach you with resonable speed! :D